Sr. Waltar Ralagh Knight Lord Wardin of the Stanneries, Gouernor of Deuonshere and Cornwale, Vice Admirall of those sheers, Captaine of the Gards to Queene Elizabeth, and Captaine and Gouernor of Iersey. [art original]
Vertue, George, 1684-1756, artist. Sr. Waltar Ralagh Knight Lord Wardin of the Stanneries, Gouernor of Deuonshere and Cornwale, Vice Admirall of those sheers, Captaine of the Gards to Queene Elizabeth, and Captaine and Gouernor of Iersey. [art original]. [between 1720 and 1756?].
APA, 6th edition
Vertue, George, 1684-1756, artist. ([between 1720 and 1756?])[Sr. Waltar Ralagh Knight Lord Wardin of the Stanneries, Gouernor of Deuonshere and Cornwale, Vice Admirall of those sheers, Captaine of the Gards to Queene Elizabeth, and Captaine and Gouernor of Iersey. [art original]].