Not perform'd there these six years. This present Saturday, the 20th of March, 1784, will be perform'd a comedy call'd She wou'd and she wou'd not, or, The kind imposter ... : to which will be added a comic opera in two acts, call'd Rosina ...
Theatre Royal (Bath, England). Not perform'd there these six years. This present Saturday, the 20th of March, 1784, will be perform'd a comedy call'd She wou'd and she wou'd not, or, The kind imposter ... : to which will be added a comic opera in two acts, call'd Rosina .... [1784].
APA, 6th edition
Theatre Royal (Bath, England). ([1784])[Not perform'd there these six years. This present Saturday, the 20th of March, 1784, will be perform'd a comedy call'd She wou'd and she wou'd not, or, The kind imposter ... : to which will be added a comic opera in two acts, call'd Rosina ...].