- Bruni, Leonardo, 1369-14443
- Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-13752
- Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-13742
- Petrus, Comestor, active 12th century2
- Ruffo, Giordano, -12562
- Albertus, Magnus, Saint, 1193?-12801
- Barbaro, Francesco, 1390-14541
- Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-7351
- Biondo Flavio, 1392-14631
- Boethius, -5241
- Calderia, Giovanni1
- Dares, Phrygius1
- Decembrio, Pier Candido, 1399-14771
- Ferrari, Antonio de, 1444-15171
- Geoffrey, of Monmouth, Bishop of St. Asaph, 1100?-11541
- George, of Trebizond, 1396-14861
- Giovanni del Virgilio, active 13191
- Gualterus, de Wervia1
- Hugh, of Fouilloy, d. 1172 or 3.1
- Isidore, of Seville, Saint, -6361