- Ayler, Ethel, 1934?2
- Hughes, Langston,--1902-1967--Autograph2
- Stewart, Melvin2
- Buckels, Alec1
- De Carava, Roy--Autograph1
- Douglas, Aaron1
- Fauset, Jessie Redmon1
- Gannett, Lewis, 1891-19661
- Garcia Lorca, Federico, 1898-19361
- Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967--Musical settings1
- Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967--Presentation inscription to C. Van Vechten1
- Hughes, Langston,--1902-1967--Presentation inscription to C. Van Vechten1
- Hughes, Langston,--1902-1967--Presentation inscription to Carl Van Vechten.1
- Johnson, Chas. S.--Presentation inscription to G.N. Johnson1
- Johnson, Chas. S.--Presentation inscription to J.W. Johnson1
- Johnson, Grace Nail,--1885-1976--Presentation inscription from C.S. Johnson1
- Johnson, Grace Nail,--1885-1976--Presentation inscription from M.B. Johnson1
- Johnson, James Weldon,--1871-1938--Presentation inscription from C.S. Johnson1
- Johnson, James Weldon,--1871-1938--Presentation inscription from M.B. Johnson1
- Johnson, Marie B.--Presentation inscription to G.N. Johnson1