- Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew)43
- Exposition universelle de 1889 (Paris, France)17
- Baranda, Joaquin, 1840-190910
- Chavero, Alfredo, 1841-190610
- Columbus, Christopher --Centennial celebrations10
- Cortes, Hernan, 1485-154710
- Kotzebue, Otto von, 1787-184610
- Ri'u'rik (Brig)10
- Crusoe, Robinson (Fictitious character)8
- Bonner, Edmund, 1500?-15697
- Jesus Christ--Art7
- Aoki, Ryoichi, tr6
- Custer, George Armstrong, 1839-1876--Pictorial works6
- Leger, Fernand, 1881-19556
- Exposition universelle internationale de 1900 (Paris, France)5
- Michael, Emperor of Russia, 1596-16454
- Black Panther Party3
- Charles I, King of England, 1600-16493
- Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce3
- Crook, George, 1829-18903