- Abbot, Charles, Baron Colchester, 1757-18293
- Abdülhamid I, Sultan of the Turks, 1725-17896
- Abdülhamid I, Sultan of the Turks, 1725-17894
- Abercorn, John James Hamilton, Marquess of, 1756-18181
- Accum, Friedrich Christian, 1769-18382
- Adair, Robert, Sir, 1763-18558
- Adam, William, 1751-18394
- Addington, William, Sir, -18116
- Addington, William, Sir, 1728-18111
- Adhémar, Jean-Balthazar d'Azemar de Montfalcon, comte d', 1731-17913
- Alexander I, Emperor of Russia, 1777-18253
- Alvanley, Richard Pepper Arden, Baron, 1745-180418
- Amelia, Princess, daughter of George III, King of Great Britain, 1783-18103
- Amherst, Jeffery Amherst, Baron, 1717-17973
- Anacreon,2
- Angelo, Henry, 1756-1835.2
- Angerstein, John Julius, 1735-18231
- Angoulême, Marie-Thérèse Charlotte, duchesse d', 1778-18511
- Anstey, Christopher, 1724-1805.2
- Apollo (Deity)2