- Abercromby, Ralph, Sir, 1734-18011
- Avicenna, 980-1037.1
- Bruce, James, 1730-17941
- Coptic Church, Isaiah.1
- Coptic Church.1
- Diodorus, Siculus.1
- Ibn al-Nafīs, ʻAlī ibn Abī al-Ḥazm, 1210 or 1211-1288.1
- John of Samannud, Grammatical Preface, Scala Ecclesiastica, Abu ibn al-Assal, Scala Rimata.1
- Moses (Biblical leader),3
- Najjār, Ibrāhīm ibn Jirjis, 19th cent.1
- Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-18211
- Theological treatise. Psalms.1
- Thermuthis (Biblical figure),3