- Abbot, Robert, 1560-1618,1
- Alfred, King of England, 849-899,2
- Alvanley, Richard Pepper Arden, Baron, 1745-18046
- Anderson, Edmund, 1530-1605,1
- Antonius, Marcus, 83?-30 B.C.1
- Association for Preserving Liberty and Property against Republicans and Levellers (London, England)4
- Aylesford, Heneage Finch, Earl of, approximately 1648-1719,1
- Bacon, Nicholas, Sir, 1509-1579,1
- Banks, Joseph, 1743-18202
- Bedford, Francis Russell, Duke of, 1765-18028
- Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605,1
- Boadicea, Queen, -62,2
- Bridgeman, Orlando, Sir, 1608-1674,1
- Brothers, Richard, 1757-18244
- Buckingham, George Nugent Temple Grenville, Marquess of, 1753-18134
- Buckinghamshire, Albinia Hobart, Countess of, 1738-18162
- Burgess, John, 1745-18073
- Burke, Edmund, 1729-17979
- Burke, Edmund, 1729?-1797.1
- Bury, Charlotte Campbell, Lady, 1775-18613