1. Rand McNally war map of the British front : a strategic map of of the battleground in Belgium and Creator: Rand McNally and Company Published / Created: [c1917] Call Number: 11hc 1917B Container / Volume: BRBL_00010D Image Count: 2 Resource Type: Maps, Atlases & Globes Description: In lower right corner: "For continuation of "French Front" South, see Section No. 2." and Index on verso. Publisher: Rand McNally and Co., Subject (Geographic): Belgium--Maps and France--Maps Subject (Topic): World War, 1914-1918--Campaigns--Maps Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Rand McNally war map of the British front : a strategic map of of the battleground in Belgium and northern France, from Ostend to St. Quentin / compiled from the latest military maps of the army staffs in Washington, London and Paris, and from other offic