1. Military map of the isle of Luzon / drawn by C.H. Ourang, D.H. Blakelock & E.H. Stück ; Julius Creator: Julius Bien & CoUnited States. Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division Published / Created: 1900 Call Number: 281 1900 Container / Volume: BRBL_00024 Image Count: 2 Resource Type: Maps, Atlases & Globes Description: Ancillary map: Manila. Scale 1:11 000. and Preliminary record. Publisher: War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Subject (Geographic): Luzon (Philippines)--Maps and Manila (Philippines)--Maps Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Military map of the isle of Luzon / drawn by C.H. Ourang, D.H. Blakelock & E.H. Stück ; Julius Bien & Co. photo. lith.