1. Provinces of China [cartographic material] / drawn in R & A, OSS, APO 627, New York, N.Y. Creator: United States. Office of Strategic Services. Research and Analysis Branch Published / Created: 1945 Call Number: 56fb 1945A Container / Volume: BRBL_00298 Image Count: 1 Resource Type: Maps, Atlases & Globes Description: "Map no. 5610, 20 January 1945." and "Reproduced by 907 Engr. A.F. Hq. Co." Publisher: Office of Strategic Services], Subject (Geographic): China--Administrative and political divisions--Maps Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Provinces of China [cartographic material] / drawn in R & A, OSS, APO 627, New York, N.Y.