An incubus squatting on a sleeping woman, her head and arms falling over the side of the bed at right, with a wild horse behind curtains in the background and a small table with jug and pots beside the bed at left; after the painting by Fuseli (Schiff 757).
Alternative Title:
Later state with scratched letters, including the title, a quotation from Ermasus Darwin's 'Botanical Garden' "on his Night-Mare, thro the evening fog, Flits the squab fiend o'er fen, and lake, and bog, Seeks some love-wilder'd maid, by sleep opprest, Alights, and grinning, sits upon her breast", and 'Painted by H.Fusely. Engraved by T. Burke. London Publish'd Jany. 30th 1783 by J.R.Smith, No.83 Oxford Street'. From the impression in the British Museum.