The Devil, flying above the scene, has cast a fishing net over a table in the foreground of a large assemblage. A judge (?) outside the net on the left points to the individuals within. These are, from left to right, a man with spectacles holding a pen and writing in a book, his place card reading "The High Bailiff's conscience", followed by a central figure at whom the assemblage is looking, a young man in a fools cap, another man standing wearing clerical bands, and an old woman seated wearing a cap. At the right of the table stands a man who lifts the tablecloth to reveal the personification of Justice decapitated below, her scales lying next to her. In the foreground on the left a dog labelled "Prerogative" urinates on a round object. His collar is inscribed "W.P. Downing Street" (a reference to Pitt?). The man wearing spectacles is almost certainly Edmund Burke, the central seated figure perhaps the King, and the man lifting the tablecloth resembles Fox. Possibly relating to the 1783 Westminster election