Image at the heading to printed verses in five stanzas: A bull rampages among broken crockery in a China Warehouse; John Mug inscribed over the door (right). Mug flies in the air, having been tossed out through the shattered window, and is about to descend in a scavenger's cart (left). From British Museum online catalogue
Title from text etched below image., Text below title, in letterpress: ... written by Mr. C. Dibdin; composed by Mr. Reeve; and sung by Mr. Grimaldi, with unbounded applause, in the new comic patomime, called "Harlequin highflyer, or Off she goes," at the Aquatic Theatre, Sadlers Wells, Printmaker signature in lower left corner of image., Three columns of verse in letterpress below title: You've heard of a frog in an opera-hat, 'Tis a very old tale of a mouse and a rat; O could sing you anothr as pleasant, may hap, Of a kitten htat wore a fine high caul'd cap ..., and Plate numbered in upper left corner: 496.
Publish'd Sept. 5, 1808 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
Subject (Geographic):
England and London.
Subject (Topic):
Bulls, Carriages & coaches, City & town life, Disasters, Show windows, Stores & shops, and Tableware