"Two pilgrims meet, one (left) debonair and jaunty, the other in a crouching position, and with an anguished expression. Both wear hats turned up with cockle shells, and necklaces hung with shells, long belted gowns with rosaries. Each holds a staff surmounted by a cross. The verses, by 'Peter Pindar' (Wolcot) (abridged), relate the pilgrimage of 'a brace of Sinners' to the shrine at 'Loretta', fifty miles, with peas in their shoes, by order of their priest. The returning pilgrim explains his rapid progress:'"To walk a little more at ease,"I took the liberty to boil my peas'."--British Museum online catalogue.
Plate from: Woodward, G.M. Caricature magazine, or Hudibrastic mirror. London : Thomas Tegg, [1808?], v. 1., Plate numbered "P. 2" in upper left corner and "1" in upper right corner., Thirty-one lines of verse below title: A brace of sinners for no good, were order'd to the Virgin Mary's shrine, who at Loretta dwelt in wax, stone, wood, and in a curld white wig, lookd wond'rous fine ..., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Johnstone, Henry Arthur--Ownership., Tegg, Thomas, 1776-1845, publisher., and Woodward, G. M. (George Moutard), approximately 1760-1809, artist.
A satire on the impeachment of Lord Melville, with politicans heads on dogs bodies.
Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Printmaker from unverified data from local card catalog record., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Derby, Edward Smith Stanley,--Earl of,--1752-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., Erskine, Thomas Erskine,--Baron,--1750-1823--Caricatures and cartoons., Fox, Charles James,--1749-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville,--Baron,--1759-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827, publisher., Sheridan, Richard Brinsley,--1751-1816--Caricatures and cartoons., Sidmouth, Henry Addington,--Viscount,--1757-1844--Caricatures and cartoons., Whitbread, Samuel,--1764-1815--Caricatures and cartoons., and Windham, William,--1750-1810--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Three tax-collectors beset a house door, on which is a plate: 'Doctor Humbug', and above: 'Advice Gratis.' An elderly man holds the knocker, a ring in a lion's mouth, and looks up at the window above where two heads peer out: a grotesque aged couple wearing nightcaps. On the lintel stands a pestle and mortar, inscribed 'Hippocrates.' On the house are two bills: 'The Goodwill of this House to be disposed of for Particulars enquire' - and 'The Budget opened or how to raise the Wind for the Year 1805.' The tax-collector holds a large open book: 'Window Tax Income Property House Tax'; under his arm is another book;..'Tax-Servants-Horses.' Papers inscribed 'Tax' and 'Taxes' project from his coat-pocket. Beside him, a man holding a paper points his pen viciously at the open window. A third man stands close behind holding a large book inscribed 'Dog Tax.' On the extreme left a woman carrying an infant begs, looking up at the window; a little boy beside her holds out his hat for alms to the tax-collector. On the right a fat man gapes up at the window while a little boy picks his pocket of a hankerchief. The house is at a corner, and from its wall a lamp with oil, spilling it on the people below. In the background (right) are tall, old-fashioned houses, all the windows, except in the top floor and attics, are 'Block'd Up'; one is 'To Lett.'"--British Museum catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Clamorous tax gatherers
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Howitt, Samuel, 1765?-1822, publisher.
Subject (Topic):
Beggars. , City & town life., Pickpockets. , Poor persons., and Taxes.
"A handsome young military officer, seated in an armchair, drinks wine with two Jewish money-lenders, who sit facing him across a round table. He listens with a reckless smile to one of the Jews; the other peers through spectacles at 'Title Deeds'. The Jews are old, thin, and bearded, but one wears a bag-wig. On the ground by the latter (r.) is a paper: 'Money Lent on good Securities. Annuities Jointers [sic] bought and Sold.' By the spendthrift's chair lies a greyhound. The background is a wall closely covered with pictures in ornate frames, which combine to tell the young man's story. Above his head is a 'Prodigal Son' kneeling among the swine; above this a reclining Venus is partly visible, and below, 'Diane', a horse and foal. Gamesters at a 'Hazard Table' hangs above 'Sir Matthew Mite', a miser with money-bags, weighing coin in sacks. Below this is a bust portrait of 'Sir Peter Plumb' in a tie-wig. A bust portrait of a scraggy woman wearing jewels is 'Lady Crane'. Below this is a picture of a fighting-cock, the frame decorated by a baron's coronet. On the r. are two pictures, a jockey on a race-horse, 'Sancho', with the winning-post in the background, and a large gabled country house: 'View of the Yorkshire Estate'."--British Museum online catalogue, description of a later state.
For an 1812 reissue of the plate, see no. 10486 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 8., Title etched below image., and Two lines of verse etched below title: When noblemen have lost race horse ...
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership. and Harvey, Francis--Ownership.
Subject (Topic):
Eyeglasses. , Jews,--depicted., Soldiers--British., Usury., and Wine.
"A paunchy carbuncled fellow, wearing old-fashioned court-dress, with ribbon, star, sword, and bag-wig, peacocks with hands on hips before an amused group in a narrow 'Whitechaple' street. They are outside the new peer's shop, from which projects a pole supporting a sign: 'Breeches cleaned lined and Repaired' and an old pair of breeches. A fat woman, probably his wife, wearing a feathered cap, stands on a step-ladder scrubbing the board above the shop-front: 'Stichall Breeches [Maker] to his Serene Highness the . . .' On the shop is a bill 'To be Sold the good Will of the Shop - Removed to Grovesner Place'. The upstart looks over his shoulder with sour defiance at the neighbours who crowd round him, highly amused, a butcher in the forefront. An aged tailor holding shears gapes in amazement."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Breeches maker become a lord
Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership. and Harvey, Francis--Ownership.
Subject (Topic):
Butchers., Couples. , Dogs., Snobbishness., Social classes. , Social mobility., and Tailors.
A fat woman sits on a sofa next to a thin man as she sings and plays a lute, apparently very badly given the pained look on the man's face.
"Price 1/col.", Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Plate numbered 'No. 4' in upper right corner., Printmaker from Grego., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Ackermann, Rudolph, 1764-1834, publisher., Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., and Harvey, Francis--Ownership.
"Heading to a broadside, printed in three columns: the lengthy speeches (evidently by Woodward) of the two pleaders, 'Snip' and 'Galen Glauber'. A fat citizen, the judge of the court, sits in an armchair on a low dais, a gouty leg resting on a cushion; he holds his nose in pained disgust. On the left a tailor in shirt-sleeves snips his shears angrily at the doctor, who stands (right) hat in hand holding up a pair of breeches on the end of his cane. On the wall (left) are bulky volumes: 'Game Laws', 'Folio XI', 'Vagrant Act', 'Penal Laws', 'Blackton [sic] Vol 2'. The tailor complains that the doctor refuses to pay for the breeches, the doctor answers 'this precipitate Maniac', asserting that the tightness of the waist-band induced a complaint which rendered them 'too foetid for further Use'."--British Museum online catalogue.
Title from broadside printed on same sheet.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Williamson, T, publisher.
An obese man in elegant dress struts down Fleet Street as his fellow tailors roar with laughter at his pompous attire. In the background, a woman (his wie?) put signs on the sides of the shops advertising breeches and other haberdashery. A dog barks as he looks up at the elegantly dressed pretender.
Alternative Title:
Tailor turned lord and Taylor turned lord
A detail from a 1805 print by Rowlandson: Recovery of a dormant title, or, A breeches maker become a lord., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership. and Harvey, Francis--Ownership.
Subject (Topic):
Butchers., Couples. , Dogs., Snobbishness., Social classes. , Social mobility., and Tailors.
Three British sailors invite the captured French Admiral to sit and eat with them: " Well come sit down and do as we do. We never bear malice toa Frenchman after we have thrash'd him". The Admiral remarks: "Ah! Ag, b'egar you site dam vell, but no vonder, you eat dam vel, and you drink dam vel!
Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.--Royal Navy--History--Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815.
Subject (Name):
Ackermann, Rudolph, 1764-1834, publisher., Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Woodward, G. M. (George Moutard), approximately 1760-1809, artist.
Subject (Topic):
Eating & drinking., Sailors--British., Sailors--French., and Trafalgar, Battle of, 1805.