Manuscript fragment on parchment of a missal containing among others: St. Felix in Pincis (14 January); St. Marcellus (16 January); St. Prisca (18 January); St. George (23 April); St. Mark (25 April); Letania Maior ad S. Laurentium (25 April); Apostles Philip and James (1 May); and Sts. Alexander, Eventius, Theodolus, and Juvenal (3 May).
In Latin., Script: written in Caroline minuscule by two scribes, one on fols. 1-2 and the other on fols. 3-4., and Decoration: there are two 7-line initials on fol. 2; they are in red outline with a center shaft filled with red and are decorated with foliate ornamentation; 1- and 2-line prayer initials alternate red and brown; the red initials are sometimes filled with yellow; 1-line chant initials are in brown rustic capitals, occasionally highlighted with red; punctuated with the punctus and punctus interrogativus; diacritical marks appear over the interrogative word in a question, in the Beneventan fashion; accents in the same ink as the text; there are 2 10-line initials on fols. 3-4; rubrics written in red rustic capitals marked with a horizontal yellow line; punctuated with the punctus.