Manuscript on parchment (goatskin) of Prudentius (beginning of the fifth century), Psychomachia, with interlinear and marginal glosses by various hands in Latin and Italian, variant readings and corrections
In Latin, with Italian glosses., Script: Copied by one hand writing an uneven Southern Semitextualis Libraria with some two-compartment a's. The scribe Ciutus is not recorded., Red stroking of the majuscules. 2-line red plain initials. Larger and more elaborate initial in red and black at the opening of the text. Numerous pointing hands., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Yellow parchment over pasteboard, both covers framed with a gilt running scroll. On the spine gold-tooled inscription "PRUDENTII PSYCHOMACHIA . COD. SEC. XV (?)".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Prudentius, 348-
Subject (Topic):
Allegory, Christian poetry, Latin, Fathers of the church, and Manuscripts, Medieval