"An alphabetical dictionary, wherein all English works according to their various significations, are either referred to their places in the philosophical tables, or explained by such words as are in those tables": [157] p., with special title page. and Signatures: 2 l. unsigned, a-d2B-Z4Aa-Zz4Aaa-Mmm4 (Mmm4 blank) aaa4Aaa-Ttt4 (Ttt4 [blank?] wanting). Imperfect: lacks leaf Mmm4 (blank) and all plates and tables. With manuscript note on 1st preliminary leaf: "Eliphalet Adams. 1702/3 Donum D. Chip Medici."
Printed for Sa: Gellibrand, and for John Martyn printer to the Royal society,
Subject (Name):
Medici, D. Chip--Presentation inscription to E. Adams