To the nobility, gentry, and curious in general, there is to be seen at a commodious apartment
At head of title: To the nobility, gentry, and curious in general, there is to be seen at a commodious apartment at the Red-Lyon and Three Pigeons, in Castle-Street, near the King's Mews, by one or more, without loss of tine, at one shilling each person, that wonderful phaenomenon [sic] of nature., Dropped head title., Possibly advertisement for Amelia Harlequin (Amelia Lewsam?)., Vignette with royal coat of arms of George II., Similar advertisement in the Lambeth Palace Library, suggests date of 175- (see ESTC T194884). Reference in Royal Society (Great Britain) Philosophical transactions, v. 55, p. 47 suggests a date around 1762., and For further information, consult library staff.