"Scarlett, in wig and gown, stands in profile to the left, his right forefinger knowingly before his face, his eye a mere slit. His gown is looped over his left arm and he holds a bulky (blue) brief-bag. Above: '"To suck, to suck, the very blood to suck!' ['Henry V', II. iii]. (He is identified with the horse-leech, symbol of the traditional rapacity of the lawyer.)"--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Series title etched above image., and Paul Pry is the pseudonym of William Heath.
Pub. June 12 1829 by T. McLean 26 Haymarket sole publisher of P. Prys caricatures - none are original with T. McLeans name
"Wellington, in old-fashioned dress except for boots reaching to the calves, stands full-face, holding out a large Grenadier's bearskin in his right hand, a coaching whip in the other. He wears a white wig projecting behind his head, spectacles on his forehead, flowered waistcoat, full-skirted coat with wide cuffs. Across his shoulder is the black scarf of the mute. He turns his head in profile to the right. A curving inscription is above his head, issuing from his mouth: 'Cabinetmaker | Undertaker \ Finance \ Beat France \ Bony parte \ Made him smart \ Address the house \ Quiet as mouse \ Reason & rhyme \ Minister prime | Good job | Man Bob [Peel] | Situation \ Manage the Nation \ Make em Rat \ Know what I'm at | Duel fight \ All right \ Tories & Whigs | Running riggs | Parsons rich | Palm itch \ Great Nob \ Drive the Sov- | Grenadier | I'm here \ Mancipation \ Astonish the Nation'. Below the title: 'He is all--he is evry thing--he Parish could not go on without him--He has more trades than hairs in his wig'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Series title etched above image. Plate 9 is misnumbered "11"., Paul Pry is the pseudonym of William Heath., and Cf. Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum, volume 11, number 15787
Pub. June 12 1829 by T. McLean 26 Haymarket sole publisher of P. Pry caricatures. None are original without his name
"Peel, as a dustman, stands with legs apart, smoking a pipe and looking to the left. In his right hand is his hand-bell, marked with the Royal Arms, in the left broom and shovel. He is handsome and stalwart, the dress is becoming. Above: 'I dont, vunder I looks black I has all the dirty work in the Parish to do.'"--British Museum online catalogeue
Title etched below image., Series title etched above image., and Paul Pry is the pseudonym of William Heath.
Pub. June 12 1829 by T. McLean 26 Haymarket sole publisher of P. Prys caricatures - none are original without T. McLeans name
Subject (Name):
Peel, Robert, 1788-1850
Subject (Topic):
Garbage collecting and People associated with manual labor
Satire with a Charity schoolboy holding a print of a woman "Sontag" with the motto written below "My motto. Charity covers a multitude of sins."; above his head the query "Have you ever seen my piece'.
Title etched below image., Series title etched above image., Paul Pry is the pseudonym of William Heath., and Not in the Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum.
Pub. June 12 1829 by T. McLean 26 Haymarket - sole publisher of P. Prys caricatures - none are original withoutT. McLean name
"Lord Eldon, dressed as a watchman, but with his own shoes and stockings, stands in profile to the right, stooping forward. In his right hand is a bludgeon, in the left he holds out a much-battered lantern, the candle broken and extinguished. His rattle hangs from his shoulders. Above: '"Mary, Sir, they have committed false report--moreover they have spoken unthruths'. Secondarily they are slanders, sixth and lastly, they have belied the Constitution [orig. "a lady"] thirdly they have verified unjust things: and to conclude they are--Lying Knaves--vide much ado about nothing--'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Series title etched above image., Paul Pry is the pseudonym of William Heath., and Not in the Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum.
Pub. Jun 12th 1829 by T. McLean 26 Haymarket sole publisher of P. Pry caricatures - none are original without McLeans name
"Lyndhurst (see No. 15705), in his Chancellor's wig, is dressed as a beadle in gold-laced cocked hat and coat over his own black knee-breeches. He holds a tall (beadle's) staff representing the mace; a pouch representing the Purse of the Great Seal hangs from his left arm. He stares fixedly. Above his head: 'There's a great deal of trouble with some of our Wards'. After the title: 'Look at me--on't See--don't see I'm the Beadle of Parish &c'. Below the title: '"He Sir that takes pity on decayed men--and gives them Suits of durance; he that sets up his rest to do more exploits with his Mace--than a Morris pike--vide Shakspeare' ['Comedy of Errors', iv. iii]"--British Museum online catalogeue
Title etched below image., Series title etched above image., Paul Pry is the pseudonym of William Heath., and Not in the Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum.
Pub. June 12 1829 by T. McLean 26 Haymarket sole publisher of P. Prys caricatures - none are original without T. McLeans name
Subject (Name):
Lyndhurst, John Singleton Copley, Baron, 1772-1863
"George IV stands directed slightly to the left, his head turned to the right. His right hand rests on a tasselled cane; in his left hand is a long narrow book inscribed 'Rates'. He wears a top-hat, with double-breasted tail-coat, knee-breeches, and gloves. From his pocket hangs a handkerchief (cf. No. 15746) on which, enclosed in an oval inscribed 'The Man Wot Drives Sovreign', is a free copy of No. 15731. Above his head: 'Dont talk to me of Radicals haven't I done evr'y thing in my power to promote the good of the Parish--ever since I've been in office--eh?' Below the title: '"And ratolorum [sic] too; and a gentleman born--who writes himself armigero, in any bill, warrant, quittance or obligato [sic]--Shakspeare--' ['Merry Wives', 1. i]."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Series title etched above image., Paul Pry is the pseudonym of William Heath., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum, but see volume 10, nos. 15800-15803 for other prints in this series.
Pub. June 12th 1829 by T. McLean 26 Haymarket sole publisher of P. Prys caricatures - none are original without T. McLeans name
"Archbishop Howley stands almost full-face, his hands converging, as if about to be joined. He wears a surplice with very voluminous lawn sleeves and a close-fitting white wig. Above: '"Most Reverend-ly I say Grace'. After the signature: 'Bishop--is composed of oranges wine sugar & other good things--very palatable but mostly gets to the Head & makes some folks See double--''"--British Museum online catalogeue
Title etched below image., Series title etched above image., Paul Pry is the pseudonym of William Heath., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum, volume 10. Cf. Other prints in this series, nos 15800-15803 in volume 10.
Pub. June 12 1829 by T. McLean 26 Haymarket sole publisher of P. Prys caricatures - none are original without T. McLeans name
Lord Brougham shown in an apron and mopping his brow doing the work of a road mender. He holds a sledge hammer and faces a pile of rocks is labeled "Reform."
Title etched below image., Series title etched above image., Text etched within image above the figure digging: This is poor work after all I see you are tired of it Frank besides we have not improved the High Ways a bit - getting very hungry could swallow a whole batch of rolls., Paul Pry is the pseudonym of William Heath., and Not in the Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum.
Pub. June 12 1829 by T. McLean 26 Haymarket sole publisher of P. Pry caricatures - none are original without his name
Subject (Name):
Brougham and Vaux, Henry Brougham, Baron, 1778-1868
Lady Conyngham looking vast with a half-moon in her hair as Diana. Above her head in the image: "We don't choose to let any of you see our Accounts."
Title etched below image., Series title etched above image., Paul Pry is the pseudonym of William Heath., and Not in the Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum.
Pub. June 12 -1829 by T. McLean 26 Haymarket sole publisher of P. Prys caricatures - none are original without T. McLean name
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Conyngham, Elizabeth Conyngham, Marchioness, -1861