Christopher Isherwood correspondence with John Lehmann
Container / Volume:
Port | Folder 19
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Archives or Manuscripts
The letters also discuss the writing, publishing, critical reception, and theatrical adaptations of Isherwood's works, critical analysis of many of Lehmann's works, and commentary on the lives and works of many important literary figures of the time, including W. H. Auden, E. M. Forster, William Plomer, Stephen Spender, Edward Upward, Berthold Viertel, Virginia Woolf and many others. Also mentioned are Isherwood's companion, the artist Don Bachardy, and two literary journals founded by Lehmann, New Writing and the London Magazine. Also included is one letter from Richard Isherwood, Christopher's brother, to Lehmann, several letters to Lehmann from third parties concerning Isherwood, and a typescript of Isherwood's poem "On His Queerness."
Subject (Topic):
Authors, English--20th century--Archives, English literature--20th century, and World War, 1939-1945