1st edition., Authorship much disputed ; for recent discussion cf. J.E. Wells, Manual of the writings in Middle English 1050-1400 ... 1916., BEIN Id L26 550: The date 1505, evidently a misprint for 1550, is corrected on manuscript to 1550. Title-page and "The printer to the reader" (sig.*) wanting. Title supplied in photostat from the British museum copy, following which is inserted a facsimile reprint of the t.p. of the 2d Crowley edition of 1550 (with longer title). Leaf cxvii wanting and supplied in manuscript., Gothic type ; initials ; title within ornamental border, device of Edward Whitechurch. cf. R.B. McKerrow, Printers' and publishers' devices, no. 108., Imprint from Colophon., Many errors in numbering leaves., and Signatures: *2, A-Z4, Aa-Ff4, Gg1. U3 and Ff2 incorrectly numbered T3 and F2 respectively.
by Roberte Crowley, dwellyng in Elye rentes in Holburne,