Woman with huge, green ulcerating lesion on the left breast
Alternative Title:
Case No. 36234 and Kwan Shí
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., Sixteenth Report of the Ophthalmic Hospital for the Year 1850 and 1851, printed at the office of the Chinese Repository, p. 21: No. 36234, July 1st, 1850. Steatomatous tumor, two feet and more in circumference. Kwan Shí, aged 25, of the district of Pwanyü, had a tumor which originated above the clavicle near the left shoulder. When she presented herself at the Hospital, this large tumor which hung pendulous over the breast and reached to the umbilicus, presented a broad and deeply ulcerated surface, and was exceedingly offensive. In consequence of her having become a loathsome companion, she had been cast off by her unfeeling husband, and compelled to seek refuge under her paternal roof; her mother accompanied her to the Hospital. With no great delay, chloroform was administered. She became almost instantaneously insensible, and in the presence of several gentlemen the tumor was successfully removed. During the operation she seemed as if in a quiet sleep, and remained so some minutes after the arteries were tied and the sutures applied, when on being spoken to, she awoke, and the natural expression to her countenance, she glances her eyes downwards, and with a smile remarked “I do not see the tumor!” the same afternoon she was able to walk the chamber. The recovery was speedy and perfect, and it is being reported that her husband has again welcomed her to his house., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Chinese, Missions, Medical, Breast, Tumors, Cancer, and Sick persons