Man in profile. Ulcerating tumor of the right cheek and right salivary gland
Alternative Title:
Case No. 1675 and Leang Ashing
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., Fourth Report, Chinese Repository, vol. 5, 1836-1837, p 325-327: No 1675 Sarcomatous tumor. Leang Ashing, aged 27, an artificial flower maker, came to the hospital August 5th, had an enormous tumor on the right side of his face extending from near a line with the zigomatic process superiorly (...) It was 18 1/2 inches in circumference. It had been growing for more than ten years, by the application of cautery (the moxa is commonly used) it had been converted into a loathsome ulcer at its apex. Though deep-seated it appeared practicable to remove it. The patient’s constitution had not then suffered much, and there seemed no objections to delaying the operation till cool weather should return. At the expiration of more than two months the man came back and to my great surprise the healthy countenance had given place to the sallow and cadaverous of one fast verging to the grave. The tumor had become exceedingly fetid, and so decayed internally so as to admit a probe in three or four inches in different directions. After the system had been braced up for a short time by a course of tonic treatment, the patient was apprized of his situation, the certainty of a speedy death if left alone, the possible unfortunate termination of extirpated, and the encouraging prospect that that he might live for years if he submitted to the operation. (...) Himself and a brother gave a writing, certifying that they requested the removal of the tumor, and if successful should rejoice but if otherwise it was tcen che ming, “the will of heaven”, or fate, no blame should be incurred upon the operator. On the 8th of November the tumor was extirpated. (...) During the incisions through the integuments and the dissecting out of the tumor he did not move a muscle, change a feature of his countenance, or draw one long breath, so that apprehensions were even entertained that he was insensible; but if spoken to he answered deliberately and correctly. Subsequently he informed me that he was sensible of all that was done, but putting his arms across each other, he said “I determined not to move.”, In passing the sutures near the ear he started involuntarily a few times. On raising him up to change his bloody clothes, he began to faint and was threatened with spasms, but soon recovered as he was laid down (...) Patient complained of a swelling on the side of the neck, and I found that some blood had settled beneath the plastisma myoides and on pressure that there was emphysema. Applied a spirit lotion over the part. Patient comfortable (...) Its lips had united in several places by the first intention. (...) Now 7th found considerable fetor like that of the tumor, and a thin unhealthy discharge. The coagulated blood thrown off was very black. (...) more vitality in the parts, free discharge of pus of a more healthy character (!), less fetor. (...) On the tenth from the operation, the discharge had ceased and the whole was healed. There is partial paralysis of the buccinators muscle, and of the under eyelid and the lips are drawn a little askew. General health is much improved. He seems properly to appreciate the favor he received, and is very ready to tell to others what has been done for him., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)