Manuscript on paper of 1) Jerome, Dialogus contra Pelagianos, Books I-III. 2) Rufinus Tyrannius, Apologia contra Hieronymum. 3) Jerome, Apologia contra Rufinum, Books I-II. 4) Jerome, Ad Algasium liber quaestionum undecim (Letter 121). 5) Anonymous, Disputatio de ratione anime. 6) Origen (?), translated into Latin by Jerome. 7) Jerome, Ad Hebydiam de quaestionibus duodecim (Letter 120). 8) Jerome, Ad Algasium liber questionum undecim (Letter 121), ending abruptly in the tenth questio. 9) Epistola ad Demetriadem de virginitate et vitae perfectione. 10) Jerome, Epistola CVIII ad Eustochium virginem, on St. Paula. 11) Jerome, Epistola CXLII ad Augustinum
In Latin., Watermarks: similar to Briquet Monts 11895 and 11702; unadorned anvil similar to Harlfinger Enclume 5; unidentified letter (D?) similar in general design to Harlfinger Lettre 14., Script: Written by two scribes. Scribe 1 (ff. 1r-76v) in a fere-humanistic hand with features of round humanistic; Scribe 2 (ff. 76v-109v) in a more angular fere-humanistic hand., One 4-line illuminated initial, f. 1r, shaded pink with red and green acanthus leaves on dark blue with white filigree against a gold ground edged thickly in black. In the upper left corner a red, blue and gold flower with spiralling acanthus in the upper and inner margins, forming a partial border, green, blue, red, brown, the spirals filled with gold or blue with white filigree. Large gold dots with four black spikes. Numerous pen and ink initials, 5- to 1-line, alternating in red and blue with purple or red penwork. Headings in red. Instructions to the rubricator at lower edge, f. 1r., and Binding: 19th-20th centuries. Rigid vellum case with the title in ink on the spine: "Dialogi Pelagii et Attici".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420.
Subject (Topic):
Apologetics, Celibacy, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval