“Mission des Dominicaines - Missionnaires de Fichermont à Niangara ̶ Haut- Uélé l ̶ Congo Belge. Cuisine indigène – Les fillettes préparant leur repas.” Young women are shown preparing food for a meal. One woman uses a mortar and pestle to make flour or meal. The name of the publisher, “Ern. Thill, Bruxelles.” is printed on the back of the postcard. There is no handwriting on the back.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Madagascar - Groups de Betsileos. A number of people are shown seated on the ground, all clad in white wraps except for one man wearing a white loincloth. A rectangular pouch or amulet is about his neck., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it. Printed at the top of the correspondence section is "Superfice : 590,000 kilometres carres - Population : 3,400,000 habitants." "Pricipaux produits: Vanille, Rix, Manioc, Pois du Cap, Cafe, Viande, Peaux, Cire, Raphis, Or, Pierres precieuses, Mica, Graphite, Mineraux radioactifs et autres." "Pour tous renseignements, s'addresser a l'Agence economique de Madagascar, 40, Rue da General-Foy, a Paris."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Een negerdorp. Moanda. Village Indigene. A few people stand outdoors on a patch of bare earth. Behind them small huts can be seen amid a screen of trees., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it. Printed at the edge of the correspondence section is "Scheut (Kongo) Eigendom van Propriete de Scheut"
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Sanda - christendorp. A number of people stand and walk near a collection of thatch-roofed houses. Thick forest is visible in the background., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is "Kwango - Missie der E. E. P. P. Jezuieten in Belgisch Congo."
“62. Madagascar. ̶ La harangue au Missionnaire les cadeaux bienvenue dans un village chrétien.” A welcoming committee with bowls of fruit and food are shown on a village street. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “Pour ‘l’Œuvre des Prêtres Malgaches’, 79, Avenue de Breteuil, Paris XVe. Ch. Post. 567-39 Paris.” There is no handwriting on the back.
“Madagascar ̶ Côte Est ̶ Imerimandroso. ̶ Fénérive Ecoles Catholiques détruites par le cyclone du 3 Mars 1927.” A Catholic mission school is depicted in the aftermath of the cyclone of March 2, 1927. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
"III. Algemeen zicht van Boudewijnstad. Vue d’ensemble de Baudouinville.” Baudoinville [Virungu] is shown amidst the surrounding countryside. A large church is seen in the center of the photo. A group of people walk along the road leading out of town. The name of the publisher, “W. Watteyne Brugge.” is printed on the back of the postcard. Handwriting in French covers the back.
“203. Madagascar. ̶ Enfin, vous voilà!.. Bonjour mon Père.” A missionary father is shown during a visit to a village. Adults and children gather around to greet him. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “Pour ‘l’Œuvre des Prêtres Malgaches’, 79, Avenue de Breteuil, Paris XVe. Ch. Post. 567-39 Paris.” There is no handwriting on the back.
“Lorsque la Missionnaire arrive c’est fête chez nos chrétiens. Les mamans accourrent et les enfants se précipitent. Les Païens curieux regardent de loin…..ils fi-finiront par s’approcher. ‘Visite dans le cases’. Au profit de la Mission de la Providence a Madagascar. Propriété de la Mission. Collection B. M.” Family members pose outside their home during a visit from a missionary sister. There is no handwriting on the back of the card.