Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and China Gered kind in de armen zijner beschermster, meesteres der H. Kindsheid. The picture shows two Chinese women with a baby. One woman is older than the other. The younger woman holds the baby wrapped heavily in blankets. The back of the postcard is addressed to a Mlle Georgette Flolleroet(?). Capronstraad."
“ll faut se baisser pour ne pas se heurter, la porte est si basse! A l’interleur de la case point de fenêtre et la Volaille vit en bonne compagnie avec le porc et la marmaille. Pauvres gens!...La mère revient de la pêche et les enfants de la rivière. On va vite écouter la leçon de catechism! Un Case de Brousse. Au profit de la Mission de la Providence à Madagascar.” A country dwelling is depicted with a grass roof and no windows. Villagers are shown in front of the building. There is no handwriting on the back.
"Mission du Maduré [Madura]. Université St Joseph. 25. - Un étudiant Brahme Telougou, sectateur de Siva. Antoni Issar, Brahme Punjab, baptisé à Trichinopoly." The first man pictured is a Telugu Brahmin student and follower of Siva. The second man is Antoni Issar, a Punjab Brahman, who was baptized at Trichinopoly.
"7. - Un jeune néophyte - <<J'ai tout quitté pour être chrétien.>>" A young boy sits in a stone doorway. The caption indicates that he has become a Christian and left his family behind. A stamp on the back of the card reads, "Cercle Missionnaire Du Sanatorum Du Clerge - Thorenc -"
A young woman in a Catholic habit stands holding an infant in her arms. Printed on the back of the postcard is "Uele - Maman de ceux qui n'en ont pas. Moeder van degene die haar niet meer bezitten." "Dominicaines Missionaires de Namur. 44, rue du Belvedere Salzinnes." and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., The back of the postcard has no handwriting. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is "Oeuvre des Vocations et des Missions Dominicaines. Roeping-en Missiewerk der EE. PP. Predikheeren." "Mission Dominicaine de L'Uele Oriental. Congo Belte. Dominikaansche Missie in Belgisch Congo.", and Watsa. Femme Logo - Logo vrouw A young woman wearing a dark cloth wrap stands outdoors. Behind her, part of a thatch-roofed building can be seen.
"Missioni Salesiane di Tanjore - India - Serie II. 15. - Madura - Città indiana a volo d'uccello." This bird's-eye view of Madura, India prominently displays three large towers that are part of their temples. On the back is printed a quote from Sac. Giovanni Bosco regarding the good work of Missions. It reads, "Colla vostra carità abbiamo stabilite le Missioni sino agli ultimi confini della terra." This postcard was published by "Società Editrice Internazionale - Torino."
"Series XIV. - 3. View of Madura from the Royal Palace's terrace." An aerial view of Madura from the terrace of the Royal Palace. A few pagodas in the distance rise above all other buildings in the city. A man dressed in white sits cross-legged on the terrace. Additional information on the back notes that postcard profits benefit Industrial Schools in India.
"Series IX. - 2. Panorama at Seringam [Srirangam]." In this aerial view, people wash in a river and there are a few houses nearby. A pagoda is visible in the distance. Additional information on the back notes that postcard profits benefit Industrial Schools in India.