1. Naval Portfolio Naval Scenes, in the Mexican War...The Capture of the City of Tabasco, by the U.S Creator: Designed and drawn on stone by H. WalkeH. Walke L.U.S.N.Lith. of Sarony & Major, 117 Fulton St., New York, [New York] Published / Created: 1848 Call Number: WA Prints Folio 86 Image Count: 1 Abstract: Mexican War. U.S. Navy. Tabasco, Mexico. Publisher: Sarony & Major Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Naval Portfolio Naval Scenes, in the Mexican War...The Capture of the City of Tabasco, by the U.S. Naval Expedition, Afloat and on Shore, Under Comore. M.C. Perry and the Destruction of the Fort Mounting three long 26 pounders with other heavy guns, by th