Cover with photograph of painting, "The foundry" by Pierre Montminy and MS note, signed, to Donald Justice. and Pages 20-21, poems by Frank Stanford: Strappado, Poem, Becoming the unicorn, Narcissus to Achilles with autograph letter and annotations, signed, for Donald Justice.
Stephens College, Department of English
Subject (Name):
Justice, Donald Rodney, 1925-2004
Subject (Topic):
American poetry --20th century --Periodicals and Poets, American --20th century --Archives.
Christ surrounded by one hundred bobwhites
, Everything is wanting…, Freedom, Revolt, and Love
, I wanted to be a family man…
, New poems by Frank Stanford, and The Jungle
Subject (Name):
Stanford, Frank, 1949-
Subject (Topic):
American poetry--20th century and Poets, American--20th century--Archives