1. Cartoon,"A suggestion to the faculty. Our Co-eds. As we would have them." Published / Created: 1893-04-29 Call Number: Yg15 R245 v.21 Collection Title: Yale record. Image Count: 1 Found in: Manuscripts and Archives > Cartoon,"A suggestion to the faculty. Our Co-eds. As we would have them."
2. Cartoon,"A suggestion to the faculty. Our Co-eds. As we would have them." Published / Created: 1893-04-29 Call Number: Yg15 R245 v.21 Collection Title: Yale record. Image Count: 1 Found in: Manuscripts and Archives > Cartoon,"A suggestion to the faculty. Our Co-eds. As we would have them."
3. Cartoon,"Extremes meet. What would Sir Eilhu think of these mushroom growths upon his campus?" Published / Created: 1893-05-27 Call Number: Yg15 R245 v.21 Collection Title: Yale record. Image Count: 1 Found in: Manuscripts and Archives > Cartoon,"Extremes meet. What would Sir Eilhu think of these mushroom growths upon his campus?"
4. Cartoon,"the owl welcomes the commencement visitors. 'Glad to see you, girls. Hope you'll all Published / Created: 1893-06-27 Call Number: Yg15 R245 v.21 Collection Title: Yale record. Image Count: 1 Found in: Manuscripts and Archives > Cartoon,"the owl welcomes the commencement visitors. 'Glad to see you, girls. Hope you'll all become co-eds.'"