Carte topographique des villes de Londres, Westminster, et bourg de Southwark et de leurs environs., Exact survey of the cities of London and Westminster, the borough of Southwark and the country near ten miles round, and Urbium maxime insignium Londini et Westmonasterii nec non municipii Sudovercencis, regionumque ad decem quasi milliaria circumjacentium.
"Publish'd 29th of April ... ", No. 3 of 7 maps bound together in a vol. with hand-lettered dust jacket with ms. title, "Rocque's map of London, 1746,"and autograph of Ralph Hodgson., and Relief shown by shading.
John Rocque,
Subject (Geographic):
London (England)--Maps--Early works to 1800.
Subject (Name):
Hodgson, Ralph,--1871-1962--Autograph., Parr, Richard, fl. 1723-1751., and Pratt, W.