Manuscript, on parchment, incomplete, containing the remains of a book of hours, probably Use of Rome. All illuminations have been excised and there are few complete sections except for the Penitential Psalms (63r-75v) and the Office of the Dead (82r-112v). These texts are followed by two prayers to Saint Lazarus in Latin (113v- 115r ). Folios 115v-116v contain a personal narrative in French by Sister Collette d'Oisellet of the Hospice of Beaune, the owner of the volume. She describes being miraculously healed from paralysis in 1497 at Autun cathedral through the relics of Saint Lazarus; an annotation records her decision to remain at the Hospice of Beaune to care for the poor. Her account is followed by two additional prayers, also in French
In Latin and Middle French., Ownership inscription of Sister Alix de Besançon on 116v., Nineteenth-century printed bookseller description, annotated in pen, affixed to 116r., Bookseller description available., Script: gothica textura (Book of Hours); bâtarde (personal narrative and final prayers)., Layout: single column, 14-16 lines (Book of Hours)., Decoration: rubricated. Many small decorated initials, gilt; some two-line initials, also gilt. Some line-filler decorated bars. Many ivy leaf borders with gold leaves and colored blossoms. All leaves that might have contained illuminations appear to have been excised from the volume., and Binding: modern amateur binding of reddish velvet over pasteboard. Needlepoint flowers and leaves on both covers; the embroidered word "Heures" on the front cover.
Subject (Geographic):
France., France, Connecticut, New Haven., and Autun (France)
Subject (Name):
Oisellet, Collette d'., Lazarus, Saint (Poor man from the Gospel of Luke), Cathedral of Saint-Lazare (Autun, France), Hospices civils de Beaune., and Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Relics, Books of hours, Manuscripts, Medieval, Miracles, Nuns, Women, Religious aspects, Catholic Church, and Religious life and customs
Manuscript, on parchment, in a single hand, incomplete, containing the text of a prose allegorical pilgrimage of the soul. The narrator's soul is led by Dame Inspiration to the Fountain of Penitence (Fontaine de penitence); after being washed there, the soul continues her journey toward the Promised Land (Terre de promission) on the Ship of Penitence (Navire de penitence).
In Middle French., Laid in: autograph letter,signed, from the Liverpool bookseller Jaggard to Allan Heywood Bright, 1896 April 27, concerning the unknown early provenance of the manuscript. With autograph and typed notes by Allan Heywood Bright, 1898 and undated., Title from ownership inscription by Remy Megret (f80r)., Opening sentence: Les continuelles meditationes de la volubilite et soudaine mutation des creatures raisonnables., Layout: single columns of 19 lines., Script: gothic bastarda., and Decoration: 13 large full-color miniatures in architectural frames illustrating various events in the allegorical pilgrimage of the author's soul, guided by Dame Inspiration. The opening miniature is full-page and depicts the author asleep beneath a tree hung with her coat of arms. Other subjects include: the soul, accompanied by Dame Inspiration, begins her pilgrimage to the Fontaine de Penitence f.9; Inspiration explains to the soul what needs to be done in order to reach the Fontaine de Penitence f.11, the soul, carried on the back of Inspiration, flies to the Château de Contention diabolique f.17, Inspiration and the soul meet Raison f.20; the soul enters the Chemin de Crainte de Dieu f.35; souls are cleansed in the Fontaine de Penitence f.47; the soul sets off on her journey to the Terre de Promission f.50v; the company journey to the coast where they find boats awaiting them f.53; the company embark f.58; the company sets off on the Navire de Penitence f.61; the company is attacked by seven other boats f.63; the company is swept up by the Vent de Hypocrisie f.69v.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Amboise, Catherine d', 1481?-1550. and Megret, Remy.
Subject (Topic):
Allegories, Devotional literature, French, French prose literature, Illumination of books and manuscripts, French, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Renaissance, Manuscripts, Medieval, Repentance, Soul, Women, Conduct of life, and Women authors, French
Title and publishers from item., Date from date of movie release., Poster advertises a film starring Pierre Brasseur and Alida Valli, by Georges Franju., In right margin: Cinemato ; 29 R. Marsoulan, Paris ; Jean.Mascii-CE 60.80, In left margin: Pub. J. Fourastié., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Champs-Élysées Productions - Lux Film and Pub. J. Fourastié.
Subject (Topic):
Surgery, Plastic, Complications, Surgeons, Professional ethics, Physicians, and Women
Title and date supplied by curator., Place of publication derived from publisher's nationality., From: Le Mariage à la ville., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Children & childcare., and Pencil notations verso.
M. Tavernier excudit
Subject (Topic):
Child care, Nurses, Women, Children, Bedrooms, Infants, and Breast feeding