Manuscript, on parchment, in a single hand, containing the text of Bede's Commentary on the Proverbs (Super parabolas Solomonis), nearly complete. Four original endleaves, at front, contain twelfth-century extracts from Peter Lombard on the Epistle to the Hebrews; exhortational material; and Latin verses (first line: Amittit proscriptus opes nec possi reverti).
In Latin., Armorial bookplate of William John Monson, Baron Monson on front pastedown., Ownership inscription of Anthony Watson on recto of first front endleaf., Ownership inscription of "roberti di cantuaria" on verso of final front endleaf., Layout: single columns of 31 lines., Script: English book hand., Decoration: Rubricated. Two-line initials in red, blue or green with contrasting penwork; two larger initials in red, blue and green with penwork flourishes. Large illuminated initial (f1r) in gold, enclosing gold foliage on blue and green grounds., and Binding: nineteenth-century tooled brown leather over pasteboards; gold-lettered spine.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735.
Subject (Topic):
Commentaries, Early works to 1800, Latin poetry, Medieval and modern, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment (much worn; many natural flaws; trimmed).
In Latin., Script: The commentary is written in a somewhat uneven early Caroline minuscule; the Biblical passages for commentary are written in orange uncials, many of which have faded and are now illegible (some letters written over in brown ink by a later hand)., Heading, f. 1v, square capitals and uncials, in orange. Initials, outlined in black, filled with orange and yellow, ff. 26v, 77v, 131v. Plain initials, black or red, some with modest scroll designs, at beginning of each segment of commentary., Upper portions of ff. 61, 68, 69 torn, loss of text; f. 132v extremely worn., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Dark green goatskin; gold-tooled. Title on spine: "Bedae Opera. VII. Siecle".
Manuscript fragment on parchment of Bede, Expositio in Lucae Evangelium: Luke 6.43-46.
In Latin., Script: Written in elegant Anglo-Saxon minuscule, with rubrics in which A and S are majuscule., Biblical passages, in red, are inset in columns., and Trimmed along outer column with some loss of text.
Manuscript volume, in a single hand, containing the text of Bede's Historia ecclesiastica, followed by the text of the Historia brittoum of Nennius; a brief biography of Merlin; and Sybilline prophecies
In Latin., Numerous marginal notes in contemporary and later hands., Bound with: parchment leaf of accounts kept by Robert de Staynford, steward of Lady Idoyne Percy, wife of Henry, Lord Percy (d. 1365)., Laid in: manuscript fragment, on paper, of a contract, in English (ca. 1574), formerly the back pastedown., Layout: single columns of 42 lines., Script: gothic text hand., Decoration: Rubricated. Numerous penwork initials and line fillers in red and blue ink. Ten larger illuminated initials, gilt and red and blue ink., and Binding: original oak boards covered in pink doeskin; remains of clasps.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735.
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, Great Britain, Church history, and History
Manuscript on parchment (many holes and repairs) of Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People
In Latin., Script: Written by several hands of different appearances, perhaps by scribes of varying ages or at different dates. The scripts range from rounded to angular minuscule., Plain orange initial, 7- to 2-line; heading and chapter notations (in margins) in same shade. Guide-letters and notes for rubricator., and Binding: 16th-17th centuries (?). Sewn on three supports laced into wooden boards. The spine is slightly rounded and lined, the lining extending onto the inside of the boards. Covered with white pigskin, blind-tooled. Two fastenings, the catches on the upper board. On the fore-edge of the lower cover is a notation contemporary with binding: "Gesta anglorum bede." Appears to have been bound at the Benedictine abbey of St. Martin of Spanheim in the diocese of Mainz.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735.
Subject (Topic):
Church history, Latin literature, Medieval and modern, Manuscripts, Medieval, and History
Manuscript fragment on parchment of one of Bede's homilies on John 16.23-30.
In Latin., Script: written in late Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: 1-line initials are in brown uncials with the use of some rustic capital forms; punctuated with the punctus, punctus versus, and punctus elevatus; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735. and Catholic Church
Manuscript fragment, on parchment, in a single hand, of a portion of the text of Bede's Homily on the Ascension
In Latin., Text corresponds to Patrologia Latina (PL) 94: 180/81., Layout: double columns of 28 lines., Script: copied by a single hand in Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: capitals touched with red ink.
Manuscript on parchment of The Venerable Bede, 1) De templo Salomonis; 2) In librum Regum quaestiones XXX; 3) Aliquot quaestionum liber; 4) In librum Tobiae allegorica expositio; 5) excerpts from Homeliae evangelii
Script: Copied by several hands in Pregothic script., Decoration: Art. 1 is undecorated. Elsewhere, red headings and incipit and explicit formulae (sometimes in Capitalis); on some pages, red stroking of majuscules; red versals and plain, generally 2-line, initials; some large Romanesque initials, or space for large initials, anywhere between 5 and 13 lines., Binding: 19th century light brown calfskin, silver-tooled with a large, diamond-shaped central motif and four smaller motifs in the corners. Each cover is framed in dark brown leather, blind-tooled with several rolls. The spine, with five raised bands, is partly gold-tooled and partly blind-tooled., and In Latin.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735. and Temple of Jerusalem (Jerusalem).
Subject (Topic):
Allegorical interpretations and Manuscripts, Medieval