Boehm, Augustus Gottlieb Hase, Johann Matthias, 1684-1742 Homann Erben (Firm)
Published / Created:
Call Number:
1983 Folio 23
Collection Title:
[Atlas factice of 50 maps, primarily by Johann Baptist Homann and/or issued by the Homann Erben
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Asia secundum legitimas projectionis stereographicae regulas et juxta recentissimas observationes and Carte de l’Asie, projettee stereographiquement, tiree des relations et observations
Boehm, Augustus Gottlieb Hase, Johann Matthias, 1684-1742 Homann Erben (Firm)
Published / Created:
Call Number:
1975 Folio 31
Collection Title:
[Atlas factice of 42 maps, produced by the Homann Erben firm]
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Asia secundum legitimas projectionis stereographicae regulas et juxta recentissimas observationes and Carte de l’Asie, projettee stereographiquement, tiree des relations et observations