The letters of 1804 Sep 23, 1812 Sep 12, and 1816 Sep 3 also contain letters written and signed by RLE. The letter of 1812 Jun 28 is a copy made in 1858
Letter of 1835 discusses American and English proverbs and encloses an engraving designed by Frances Anna (Beaufort) Edgeworth to illustrate Miss Edgeworth's The Bracelets, published in her Parent's Assistant. Letter of 1837 mentions her Harry and Lucy and The Dame School Holiday; published in BCS's Maria Edgeworth, 1767-1849, A Bibliograph- ical Tribute, London [1937], p. 4
4 ALS undated. The postscript to ALS for Feb 27 [n.y.] has sample of silk attached. Accompanied by 1 sheet of instructions for purchasing dress material, etc., with samples tipped in