BEIN FRAsheet212: From the Cary Collection of Playing Cards., Title devised by cataloger., Uncut sheet of 16 court cards: K-JS, K-JH, K-JD, K-JC, with 4 additional cards, K (2), Q, J., French suit system., Original design., CourtCards: KS: borbon; QS: argine; JS: molart / p. gayon; KH: Ciermoy; QH: Judic; JH: alansont; KD: le Couer con [?]; QD: Bersabee; JD; Lapdorat; KC; orliens; QC: dame donner; K, aligned with S; David; Q, aligned with H. la puselle; J, aligned with D: artus; K, aligned with C: charlemaine., and This sheet, in two pieces, apparently was part of the binding material of Les fleurs et maineres des temps passes, Louis Cruse, Geneva, 1495.