Manuscript on parchment of St. Jermone, Epistulae et tractatus. With Ambrosius Mediolanensis (St. Ambrose, 339-397), De excessu fratris
In Latin., Script: Apparently four scribes: A, Iohannes de Carnago, is the main scribe and copied ff. 1r-260v (with the exception of 8 lines at the bottom) in Gothico-Humanistica Semitextualis Libraria; B copied from the bottom lines of f. 260v to f. 270v, in Humanistica Textualis Libraria; C copied ff. 271r-275v in Gothico-Humanistica Textualis Libraria; and D copied ff. 276r-304v in Gothico-Humanistica Semitextualis Libraria., Headings in red. Red heightening (stroking) of the majuscules. 2-3-line flourished initials (with guide letters) in red with penwork varying from pale red to purple. A large (10 lines) decorated flourished initial in red, with developed purple penwork ("R" instead of "D") in littera duplex style on f. 229v. Two Gothic historiated initials on gold background with floral marginal extensions: f. 1r: St. Jerome with lion and boy holding open a book (damaged); f. 25v: a monk copying., and Binding: Sixteenth century. Brown leather over cardboard boards, the covers blind-tooled with a triple fillet lozenge inside a floral roll frame, the center and the corners gold-tooled with two different floral tools. Spine with four raised bands and remnants of gold-tooled lilies in the compartments. Edges painted blue. Marks of two pairs of ties.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420.
Subject (Topic):
Christian literature, Latin, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Latin letters, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper of St. Jerome, 96 Epistles. With 1) Hieronymus Stridonensis (c. 348-420), Epistulae, and related texts. 2) Hieronymus Stridonensis, Vita Malchi. 3) Table of contents. A later hand has added in the right margin the folio numbers where the various texts are to be found
In Latin., Script: copied by one hand in Humanistica Textualis with elements of Southern Gothica Textualis. Running headlines in rapid Gothico-Humanistica Cursiva. The scribe Dominicus (or Donatus?) de Attavantis (see f. 238v) is not recorded., Pale red headings; pale red numbering of the letters. 2-line plain initials (Capitalis) at the opening of the various texts. On f. 1r 8-line historiated white vinestem initial D (Jerome writing in his study), incorporated in a three-margins left border in the same style, featuring birds, a putto, a theatre mask and in the lower horizontal section a coat of arms (altered?) held by two putti., and Binding: seventeenth century (?): brown leather over pasteboard, the front and rear cover decorated with gold-tooled frames.
Manuscript on paper of Hieronymus Stridonensis (St. Jerome, 347-420), 1) Epistula 79 (Ad Salvinam). 2) Epistula 123 (Ad Geruchiam).
In Latin., Script: Copied by one hand in Humanistica Textualis Libraria., Art. 1 opens with a 4-line Gothic flourished initial in blue with red penwork extending in the inner margin; art. 2 opens with a 4-line Gothic plain initial in red., and Binding: Twentieth century (?). Half binding was removed and the codex restored and rebound in 2000 by the Northeast Document Conservation Center. The new binding is grey cloth over heavy pasteboard. On the spine a new black leather title label with gold-tooled inscription "SANCTI JERONIMI EPISTOLAE MS 788". Among the flyleaves, the two following f. 50 are earlier than the others, which are yellowish machine-made paper belonging to the discarded binding. A modern hand wrote on the last front flyleaf r the title "Sancti Ieronimi epistolae ad Salvinam et Ageruchiam".