Collection of poems, songs, epitaphs, epigrams and riddles, partly original and partly by friends and other writers; some of the verses carry dates of composition as early as 1713, and many were written during visits to Tunbridge Wells, England.
Collection of poems, songs, epitaphs, epigrams and riddles, partly original and partly by friends and other writers; some of the verses carry dates of composition as early as 1713, and many were written during visits to Tunbridge Wells, England.
Collection of poems, songs, epitaphs, epigrams and riddles, partly original and partly by friends and other writers; some of the verses carry dates of composition as early as 1713, and many were written during visits to Tunbridge Wells, England. and Includes titles: XVII Accrostick on Miss Frances Jeffreys - Bath 1736, XVIII wrote when Queen Caroline was appointed regent, See Gulliver's Travels, CCXXIII a true account of a monster call'd a yahoo, CCXXIV answer, CCXXXII to Dean Swift, occasion'd by the following lines in his satire on Doctor D.