From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 2, folder 100
Image Count:
Fidel Castro inside rebel communications center, under command of very efficient officer, Cdte. Waldo Fernandez (frames 9-12, et seq.). This radio tower had several call signs - RR1, i.e. "Radio Rebelde Uno," also RR7; by the fall of 1958 (date of this photo), it had become the guerrilla forces' principal communications and propaganda lifeline. Frames 19-24 show the field hospital adjoining La Plata headquarters, then under command of Dr. Rene Vallejo and Dr. Bernade Ordaz, the Hospital Mario Muniz. Note that according to strict rebel sanitary policy, local hill people and rebel troopers wait for treatment in this queue without discrimination. Rebels always extended medical services to civilians under their control: this became important source of local support. Other frames show Fidel at La Plata.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 2, folder 101
Image Count:
Frames 4-6 are a period document: the rebel forces' radio propaganda, psychological warfare and intelligence staff at La Plata headquarters in the early fall of 1958. Woman seated right foreground is Violeta Casals, Radio Rebelde's famous woman announcer (she remained Castro government's principal radio voice for several years after rebel victory); others cannot be identified here with certainty. Other frames show yet another bit of daily business for Fidel Castro: testing a recalcitrant rifle in front of La Plata headquarters shack. Behind him are shown various members of his personal staff: Antonio Llibre, his clerical secretary-aide (frames 14-20) and Orlando Pupo, jefe de escolta (left rear on frames 18-19).
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 2, folder 102
Image Count:
This sheet shows only sound-on-film, hour-long TV interview granted by Fidel Castro in Sierra Maestra. The cameraman, Erik Durschmied of Montreal, managed, together with this photographer, to smuggle a full Auricon sound rig into rebel headquarters at La Plata: it was set up on a hilltop overlooking Fidel's own headquarters complex. Film was lost for several months in process of being smuggled out of the Sierra, but was recovered in time to be shown on the CBC's popular Pierre Berthot interview show shortly after rebel victory in January 1959. CBC cameraman Erik Durschmied (hat, sunglasses) is shown on frames 4-23 with Fidel.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 2, folder 103
Image Count:
Fidel Castro at La Plata headquarters in early fall of 1958 giving TV sound interview to CBC cameraman Erik Durschmied. Some of the frames (16, 29) show Fidel consulting his (English-language) notes during interview; most of the other frames show him delivering answers (at) invisible TV camera. See also Print 32.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 2, folder 104
Image Count:
This sheet was photographed along the approach route to Fidel Castro's headquarters near La Plata. Lt. Vilo Acuna testing his homemade rebel rifle grenade launcher (frames 3-10; See also Print 18.). Frames 12-18: Rebel requisitioned road grader with its proud guerrilla crew. Among approach routes to central guerrilla areas - the approach routes through foothills - growing rebel troop units were beginning to maintain roads, transfer points, supply dumps for gasoline and lubricants, and other semi-permanent installations designed to insure a predictable flow of military traffic through back roads of rebel zone. Frames 25-26 show Capt. Mario Hidalgo with his family. On right, youth in uniform is Mario's son, Hanibal Hidalgo, then photographer's travel aide. Note dog-tag hanging from Hanibal's neck: it was captured from government soldiers and laboriously re-engraved by hand, giving Hanibal much-wanted military appearance. Frames 32-37: Outside Fidel's headquarters hut at La Plata, the headquarters' dental officer, Dr. Enrique Borges, has his foot-operated drill and consulta.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 2, folder 105
Image Count:
Frames 25-28 show Cdte. Luis "El Guajiro" Crespo at his bomb shop (see also Prints 14 and 15.) Frames 17-20: Celia Sanchez. Frames 9-14: This is Fidel Castro's place of work in headquarters hut where he had only desk ever used by Fidel during two-year insurgency. Three framed photos overhead show his son, Fidelito. Frame 16: Orlando Pupo, jefe de escolta. Frames 23-24 show two important adjuncts to headquarters life: supply and equipment bearers. These men are bringing electrical gear used to repair radio gear and fuse homemade bombs. Frames 5-8: one of the items manufactured from electrical supplies brought in by runners is this little cheeseglass-detonator known as "Che's jam jar," either because Che invented it or because it was developed at bomb shop in Che's column. It is an impact-squeeze detonator that will activate a concealed road mine or a large hand-hurled bomb.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 2, folder 107
Image Count:
Andrew St. George at wayside halt while on the march among rebel outposts in the vicinity of Puerto Boniato. Photographer's travel aide, Lt. Hanibal Hidalgo, is shown on frames 27-30. Rebel organizer Victor Boronat is shown playing guitar on frames 2-3.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 2, folder 108
Image Count:
Rebel platoon on march among heights controlling the carretera nacional above El Cobre sanctuary (frames 5-8). Unit commander Capt. Rigoberto Ramirez is shown in center of frame 14 (long beard, field cap, cartridge belt). Suspicious wayfarer, intercepted earlier by rebel platoon and interrogated to no avail, is threatened by execution (frames 12-13). Suspect falls in fright when rifle is fired over his head, and Capt. Ramirez menaces him with pistol, firing past his ear. But suspect was not otherwise harmed and released later same day. The threat of summary execution was rebel's only means of coercing information from suspects.