From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
1957 September
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 1, folder 25
Image Count:
Several frames showing a group of guerrillas celebrating the seizure of jeep of the brand "Fargo" from a local farming enterprise. Nearby sits a bus, although it is not clear whether the rebels have also commandeered it. A large family of peasants stands in final frame of top row, flanked by two armed guerrillas. Bottom row of frames show rebels in look-out posts. See also Print 12.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 1, folder 27
Image Count:
In the first frame, Fidel Castro, Juan Almeida Bosque and other unidentified guerrillas stand over the burial sites of a recently deceased man. The placing of two pairs of men's shoes in the right-hand corner of disturbed earth would appear to show at least two graves, although only one lies within range of the camera's frame. The young guerrilla in the foreground appears distressed and Almeida Bosque and Castro's eyes follow him as he retreats from the graves. It is likely that these were the graves of the prisoners executed as a result of multiple courts-martial held in El Naranjo. The other two frames show Fidel Castro and Juan Almeida Bosque. See also Prints 15, 18, 19, 29, 30, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37 and 41.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 1, folder 28
Image Count:
Various images of guerrillas. Top frame shows men in defensive positions followed by two more frames of Fidel and his men engaged in target practice. Bottom frames show a guerrilla on a requisitioned horse, carrying a message to the rebel unit and finally, a rebel posing with a telescopic rifle, possibly belonging to Fidel Castro since according to St. George, the column did not possess more than one such rifle at the time of his visit. See also Print 42; for the hand-over of the message to Fidel Castro, see Print 45.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 1, folder 29
Image Count:
Two frames only. Left frame shows Efigenio Ameijeiras with unidentified guerrilla after frisking a suspicious local peasant (see Print 37), seen to the left, standing. In this frame, an unidentified guerrilla speaks to Ameijeiras while the latter takes notes in a small notebook. The next frame shows an unidentified guerrilla smoking and looking up. See also Print 37.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 1, folder 30
Image Count:
Images of Padre Guillermo Sardiñas, an ordained Catholic priest, giving last rites to an unidentified man accused and convicted of treason by a five-person revolutionary tribunal appointed by Fidel Castro. The man is shown being prepared for execution by an unidentified guerrilla and then his body is shown immediately after he has been shot by firing squad. See also Prints 15, 18, 19, 26, 30, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37 and 41.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
1957 May
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 1, folder 3
Image Count:
Frames 1 and 2 show a group of riflemen drilling with their rifles near El Hombrito. The two men in the center of the front row are Lte. Juan Ermus (also shown with photographer in Frame 4) and Lte. "El Negro" Pérez, whom St. George describes as one of a number of rebel officer Crescencio Pérez's "many direct and lateral kinsmen who joined guerrilla force during this period and largely proved its sturdiest recruits." Note the use of 19th-century-style peasant "mambí" hats by the new rural recruits to the left of group of soldiers. Frame 3 shows one of these same peasant recruits gathering firewood. Frames 5 and 6 show Fidel Castro with two members of the urban underground organization of Oriente. The man wearing the black beret and taking notes is Marcelo Fernández and the other with his back to the camera is Victor Boronat. In the background, Celia Sánchez, the chief coordinator of the rebel underground for the city of Manzanillo, observes the scene. Frame 7 shows "El Negro" Pérez standing and lighting a cigarette or cigar with Celia Sánchez behind him on the ground and the same two men, Fernández and Boronat, in the foreground.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 1, folder 31
Image Count:
Final phase of a court-martial in which a peasant is accused and convicted by a revolutionary tribunal appointed by Fidel Castro and guarded by guerrilla forces. Here in the top frame, a guerrilla is seen untying the peasant's hands so that he can render testimony before the "court." Other images of the same man, taken at the time of the trial, can be seen in Prints 33 and 41. The bottom frame shows captured prisoners being guarded by guerrillas in the center of their camp. See also Prints 15, 18, 19, 26, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37 and 41.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 1, folder 32
Image Count:
Top frame shows a local peasant, apparently still alive, whom the guerrillas have left tied to a tree overnight. The man is possibly asleep standing up, his hands and feet bound. The top frame shows a guerrilla riding a horse probably requisitioned from a nearby plantation, as was standard guerrilla practice during the war. See also Prints 15, 18, 19, 26, 30, 33, 35, 36, 37 and 41.