From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
1960 March
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 7, folder 765
Image Count:
Top frames show Humberto Sorí Marín, former President of the Inter-American Bar Association, Minister of Agriculture to the revolutionary government until he conspired against the government's decision to declare itself Marxist in 1961 and a principal member of the first guerrilla column led by Fidel Castro whose participation is documented in Contact Book I. Men and voluptuous woman standing with him are unidentified. Subsequent frames show an unidentified man wearing a suit and smoking a cigar. Final frame in the top row shows the same three unidentified women sitting on a couch who appear in Print 59. The second row of frames shows Vilma Espín during her participation in the "Conferencia Latinoamericana" held in the Palacio Deportivo (see Print 54) and the bottom frame shows an unidentified man, probably a participant in the same event. See also Prints 54 and 59.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
1960 March
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 7, folder 766
Image Count:
Images compiled on contact sheet are unrelated to one another. Bottom images numbered 4-5 show the stage of the CTC Congress held in Havana in November of 1959, further documented in Contact Book VII. Middle images show a stage surrounded by a large crowd in what was then called the Palacio Deportivo, now called la Ciudad Deportiva. The table that appears in the middle of the stage features a drape with lettering that reads "Conferencia Latinoamericana." Frame 35 shows Vilma Espín sitting on a panel with unidentified participants as they listen to a speaker reading from a paper and standing before a microphone to the left. See also Print 53.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
1960 March
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 7, folder 767
Image Count:
Print features faraway shots taken of the central speakers dais during the Conferencia Latinoamericana, held in the Palacio Deportivo of Havana. Frame 35 shows Vilma Espín sitting to the far-left of the central table and listening as an unidentified speaker standing to the left of the table reads from a prepared text he holds before him. See also Prints 53, 54 and 59.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 7, folder 769
Image Count:
This sheet has four unrelated images. Frame 6 shows a guerrilla soldier holding a camera and taking a picture of St. George; next to him is another rebel and in the background is a small military outpost built during the Batista-era for policing the countryside. Because the soldier with the camera wears a handmade armband of the 26th of July Movement, it is likely that this picture was taken in the early months of 1959. The adjacent frame shows an elderly militiaman standing amidst a field strewn with various oil or munition barrels. Frame 16 shows the cashier of a casino standing at his post as a tourist appears to be cashing in his chips. The final frame, numbered 15, shows airport skycaps unloading luggage from the cargo hold of an airplane.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
1957 and 1960
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 7, folder 771
Image Count:
Printed images taken from several different contact sheets. The bottom row of images, showing Raúl Castro and Felipe Guerra Matos, are duplicates of shots that appear in Print 14 of Contact Book I. Top row of images shows three unidentified women sitting on a couch in what appears to be a waiting room, also pictured in Print 53; one is black and very elegantly dressed. The middle row of images shows Raúl Castro standing in the doorway of a peasant hut, with his back to the camera.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 7, folder 713-741
Image Count:
This set of prints documents a visit to Nicaragua that St. George appears to have made in late May or early June of 1959, after a long stay in Cuba earlier that year. On May 30, 1959, Luis Somoza Debayle, who ruled Nicaragua from 1956 to 1963 following the assassination of his father, the dictator Anastasio Somoza García, put down an attempted uprising against the government led by groups who found their inspiration in the Cuban Revolution. Luis's brother, Anastasio Somoza Debayle, replaced his father as the commander of the United States-trained National Guard, a legacy of the United States' long military occupation of Nicaragua that began with the landing of Marines in 1912 and continued (with a brief reprieve in 1925) through 1933. St. George interviewed both of the Somoza brothers (see especially Prints 1, 2, 16 for closeup images of Luis, and Prints 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19 for images of Anastasio, Jr.). Prints 10, 13, 14, 17 show police and military officials stopping citizens on the streets, some of whom are probably students. Although tiny in number, the student body of Nicaragua's only university in Managua were famously critical of the Somoza regime and were likely to have been the primary subject of these random checks and searches. Print 22 appears to show the processing of a large number of civilians in a police station, including one Catholic priest; it also shows several soldiers inspecting caches of ammunition. Print 24 shows several National Guardsmen questioning a well-dressed woman at the door of a middle-class home. Print 26 shows St. George in the company of an unidentified American, who appears in the role of a journalist in Print 4 but is here shown carrying a rifle and dressed in full military fatigues; several shots also in Print 26 show them drinking from a bottle of rum. Also in these images, National Guardsmen are shown in the act of arresting a small unit of guerrillas who appear with their hands up in a position of surrender. Print 20 provides more complete documentation of the surrender of these men and their subsequent capture by National Guardsmen, including images of the guerrillas posting a white flag of surrender before their safehouse, and various stages of their capture by the National Guard. Print 21 includes close-up images of some of those guerrillas arrested. Prints 3, 4, 5, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29 document the National Guard column involved in this operation, named "Columna San Jacinto," in Print 25.