From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 1, folder 67
Image Count:
Images of two overweight men dressed in civilian clothes, one of whom (wearing glasses and taking notes) appears to be a foreign journalist. The other man, wearing a hat, appears to be a Cuban working in the revolutionary underground. Fidel is lying on a bed while the journalist and the other unidentified man lean onto the top of a closed Singer sewing machine. Top frames also show Fidel Castro with the journalist outside the hut. See also Prints 51, 53 and 61.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
1958 April
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 1, folder 68
Image Count:
Top frames in row one show Fidel Castro from a look-out point in the Sierra Maestra. The last frame in this row shows a coffee farm (with drying beds to the left, behind farm house) in which both rebels and peasants can be seen. The rebels imposed a tax on all coffee produced in the region that they controlled; their presence there may indicate collection of that tax or general cooperation by the farm's owner and workers. The second and third rows of frames show Fidel Castro getting a tooth pulled through the use of a sewing machine; by attaching one end of the cord of the gripping device to the machine's wheel and the other to the unhealthy tooth, the tooth could be extracted more easily. Beginning with frame 12, Celia Sánchez is depicted assisting in the tooth extraction and later sitting near Fidel while both appear to be reading letters.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 1, folder 69
Image Count:
Fidel Castro leading his guerrilla column on a march along a clearly marked footpath between two farm fields. In the second frame of the top row (no. 15), Fidel hands a blonde peasant boy a Toblerone chocolate bar, a standard provision distributed to the guerrillas through couriers in the revolutionary underground. Duplicate of Print 55.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 1, folder 7
Image Count:
Frame 1 shows Ernesto "Che" Guevara seated with Manuel Fajardo and Juan Almeida Bosque behind him (left to right). Frames 2 and 3 show Luis "El Guajiro" Crespo standing in profile, by tree, Ciro Redondo, Manuel Fajardo (with large pack) and Che Guevara (seated). Frames 4-7 show Fidel Castro.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 1, folder 8
Image Count:
Frames 1-2 show the photographer, Andrew St. George. Frames 3-4 show a group of unidentified peasant recruits holding peeled sugar cane stalks and weapons. Sitting at the far left in leather jacket is Victor Boronat, a member of the underground and rebel recruit from Manzanillo, Oriente. Frames 5-6 show Boronat playing guitar for a group of peasant recruits. Directly in front of him with curly hair and beard is Julio Díaz. Man next to him in a black beret is unidentified.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 1, folder 80
Image Count:
Between El Corojo and Santiago, rebels move down to sea: a strategic breakthrough. Shown here are rebel activities in area under Cdte. Rene de los Santos' command: vehicle checks (frames 19-25); checkpoint has jeep, rear guards (frames 26-29); captured vehicles are repaired in Caballo Loco's service station. See also Prints 3 and 5.
From the Collection: Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
Published / Created:
Call Number:
MS 650
Container / Volume:
Box 1, folder 81
Image Count:
A key rebel rear-area command post: the Seccion del Café (note flag on frames 13-14) under Capt. Ernesto Alona Sabas (shown on phone in frame 12). This rebel department supervised coffee harvests as far as rebel authority reached and collected taxes: it was one of the guerrilla army's earliest systematic governmental functions. Other key personalities are Cdte. Luis "El Guajiro" Crespo (frames 5-6); the seldom-photographed Cdte. Calixto Garcia (frames 28-30): Cdte. Garcia is officer with sombrero and gunbelt standing to left of weapons carrier; and Capt. Waldo Gonzalez Roig (frame 16). Note officer on frame 18 (beret) is one of rebel army's three principal surgeons: unidentified here.