1. Satyrische Europa Karte, Weltkrieg 1914 / Zeichnung u. Entwurf, E. Zimmermann. Creator: Zimmermann, E Published / Created: [1914] Call Number: 30an 1914C Container / Volume: BRBL_00037A Image Count: 1 Resource Type: Maps, Atlases & Globes Description: Caricature map., Countries are represented by human and animal caricatures to depict political issues., and Includes text. Publisher: W. Nölting, Subject (Geographic): Europe--Maps and Europe--Politics and government--Maps Subject (Topic): World War, 1914-1918--Maps Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Satyrische Europa Karte, Weltkrieg 1914 / Zeichnung u. Entwurf, E. Zimmermann.