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1. Ass upon ass [graphic].
- Published / Created:
- [1780]
- Call Number:
- 780.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Description:
- Title from item., Title etched below image., Publisher's initials form monogram., Sheet trimmed to plate line., and Date of possible publication from British Museum catalogue. Reissue by a different publisher.
- Publisher:
- Pub. by HHumphrey, No. 18 New Bond Strt
- Subject (Name):
- Amherst, Jeffery Amherst, Baron, 1717-1797., George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820., and Gordon, George, Lord, 1751-1793.
- Subject (Topic):
- Gordon Riots, 1780, Donkeys, Crowns, and Miters
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Ass upon ass [graphic].
2. Ecclesiastical, and, political, state of the nation [graphic].
- Creator:
- Gillray, James, 1756-1815, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [2 June 1780]
- Call Number:
- 780.06.02.01+ Impression 1
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "George III guides (left to right) a plough which is drawn by a snorting bull; he is blindfolded and wears a crown and the garter ribbon; from his pocket hangs a fragment of "Magna Charta". Lord North rides on the bull, urging him forward with a whip, attached to his shoulders is a knapsack or bundle inscribed "Ways & Means". Another man goads the bull with a spear. A Scot in highland dress, probably Gordon, tugs violently at the bull's harness, trying to pull it back; two other men who have been tugging at the bull have fallen to the ground and the wig of one has fallen off. The bull is advancing towards the "River Tweed" (right), on the farther side of which are a large thistle and some fir trees on a hill. This shows that Scotland has not as yet been ploughed up for the emissaries of the Pope, see BMSat 5534. In the foreground (left) lies a sleeping bishop, his head on his hand, holding a crozier, and leaning on a book and a "Map of Bishoprick". Behind him and the king a Jesuit, a Catholic priest, and a monk are sowing in the ground which has been already ploughed. Above their heads the Pope is seated on clouds which are supported by a swarm of demons and imps. He wears his triple crown, a royal crown is suspended over his head; in his right hand is a crozier to which are attached keys, in his left hand is a sheaf of thunderbolts. At his side is an inverted cornucopia, pouring out documents inscribed "Absolutions", "Persecutions", "Releases from Purgatory", "Pardons for Money", "Excommunications", "Curses on Heriticks", "Indulgences", "Bulls", "Confessions". Truth, an almost nude female figure, stands upon clouds (right) surrounded by a glory of rays; on her breast is a face surrounded by rays. She holds up a large scroll inscribed "40000 English Protestants massacred in Ireland 1641 Protestants burnt at Smithfield in the reign of Queen Mary. Gunpowder Plot or an attempt to blow up the Parliament House Protestants massacred at Paris, in the Vallies of Piedmont. Tortures of the Inquisition." Beneath the design are the dedication and explanation: "To the Respectable Association of Protestants & to every Worthy supporter of both Church & State this Plate is Dedicated by their Humble Servt the Publisher. Explanation. The State Husbandmen Plowing up the glebe of the Constitution, whilst the Popish Emissaries take the Advantage of the supineness of the Established Church who is fast asleep in the Vineyard where its grand Adversary the Pope, and all his host of Devils, are permitted to Sow the Seeds of their Pernicious Doctrine: Opposition attempts to stop their Progress, but the band of Unanimity is broke, & they have fallen off. Truth descends, showing a Scroll of Melancholy proofs of popish cruelty, Soliciting the Aid of her Friends, to vanquish the Inveterate Enemy, who threatens the Ruin of thair Religion, thair Posterity & thair much injured Country."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title from item., Trimmed within plate mark., Attributed to Gillray in British Museum catalogue., and Publisher's name and address burnished from plate. Publisher identified in British Museum catalogue as W. Humphrey, Printseller, Strand, London.
- Publisher:
- Published June 2 1780 by W [... ] Printseller [...]
- Subject (Name):
- George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820., North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792., Gordon, George, Lord, 1751-1793., and Catholic Church
- Subject (Topic):
- Papacy, Gordon Riots, 1780, Clergy, Demons, Plows, and Bulls
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Ecclesiastical, and, political, state of the nation [graphic].
3. L--d Am---t on duty [graphic].
- Published / Created:
- [not before June 12, 1780]
- Call Number:
- 780.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Alternative Title:
- Lord Amherst on duty
- Description:
- Title from item., Trimmed within plate mark., and Darly's imprint burnished. See British Museum catalogue.
- Publisher:
- Pubd. by HHumphrey, No. 18 New Bond Street
- Subject (Name):
- Amherst, Jeffery Amherst, Baron, 1717-1797.
- Subject (Topic):
- Gordon Riots, 1780, Military uniforms, British, and Geese
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > L--d Am---t on duty [graphic].
4. L-d Am-t on duty [graphic].
- Published / Created:
- [12 June 1780]
- Call Number:
- 780.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Abstract:
- "Lord Amherst in profile to the right in general's uniform rides a prancing horse, holding up a large sword, dripping with the blood of two geese, one of which lies dead beside him, the other staggers, with its neck slashed. Beneath the design is engraved: "If I had Power, Id kill 20 in an Hour."Behind, red-coats on horses with drawn swords are indicated among clouds of smoke. Behind and on the left a large square house is on fire, flames coming from the windows."--British Museum online catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- Lord Amherst on duty
- Description:
- Title etched above image. and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
- Publisher:
- Pub. accg to act June 12. 1780 by M Darly 39 Strand
- Subject (Name):
- Amherst, Jeffery Amherst, Baron, 1717-1797.
- Subject (Topic):
- Gordon Riots, 1780, Military uniforms, British, and Geese
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > L-d Am-t on duty [graphic].
5. Lord George Gordon President of the Protestant Association / [graphic]
- Published / Created:
- [4 August 1780]
- Call Number:
- 780.08.04.01+
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Gordon stands full face, pointing with his cane to a roll inscribed "Protestant Petition", which shows signatures in two columns, another roll lies beside it. His right foot rests on a book inscribed "Popery". He is plainly dressed, lank hair falling on his neck; in his left hand, which is gloved, he holds out his hat and his other glove. Behind him is the point of intersection of the five roads which crossed in St. George's Fields, beside which are drawn up in close order members of the Protestant Association as they are supposed to have met before marching to Westminster on 2 June, but with a complete and military regularity which is very different from fact. Letters refer to explanations below the print. A circle (left) inscribed "B" is the "London Division"; two concentric circles, "D", are the "Scotch Division" (right). Behind (left) is a large tent, and a semicircle of petitioners "A" which represents the "Southwark Division". Opposite them (right) and drawn up facing two roads is "C", the "Westminster Division". Beneath the title is engraved, "President of the Protestant Association"."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title from item., Imprint from British Museum catalogue., and Imperfect; trimmed within plate mark with loss of imprint.
- Publisher:
- Published as the act directs, Augt. 4, 1780, by John Harris, Sweetings Alley, Cornhill
- Subject (Geographic):
- England
- Subject (Name):
- Gordon, George, Lord, 1751-1793,
- Subject (Topic):
- Gordon Riots, 1780 and Clothing & dress
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Lord George Gordon President of the Protestant Association / [graphic]
6. No popery, or, Newgate reformer [graphic].
- Creator:
- Gillray, James, 1756-1815, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [9 June 1780] and [approximately 1868?]
- Call Number:
- Folio 724 836C (Oversize)
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 29. Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "The half length figure of a ruffianly man, shouting "Down with the Bank" and raising in both hands a stick or bar. In his hat is a ribbon favour inscribed "No Popery". On the right and behind is the façade of Newgate in flames."--British Museum online catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- Newgate reformer
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Plate from: Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks, &c. [London] : [Field & Tuer], [ca. 1868?], The ficticious publisher "I. Catch" probably refers to Jack Ketch or the hangman. See British Museum catalogue., Four lines of verse below title: Tho' he says he's a Protestant, look at the print, the face and the bludgeon will give you a hint, religion he cries, in hopes to deceive, while his practice is only to burn and to thieve., Cf. Wright, T. Works of James Gillray, the caricaturist, page 31., and On leaf 29 of: Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks, &c.
- Publisher:
- Publish'd as the act directs, June 9th, 1780, by I. Catch of St. Giles's [i.e. Field & Tuer] and Field & Tuer
- Subject (Geographic):
- England and London
- Subject (Name):
- Restrike. For original issue of the plate, see no. 5679 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5. and Newgate (Prison : London, England)
- Subject (Topic):
- Gordon Riots, 1780, Vandalism, and Clothing & dress
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > No popery, or, Newgate reformer [graphic].
7. No popery, or, Newgate reformer [graphic].
- Creator:
- Gillray, James, 1756-1815, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [9 June 1780]
- Call Number:
- 780.06.09.01+
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "The half length figure of a ruffianly man, shouting "Down with the Bank" and raising in both hands a stick or bar. In his hat is a ribbon favour inscribed "No Popery". On the right and behind is the façade of Newgate in flames."--British Museum online catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- Newgate reformer
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., The ficticious publisher "I. Catch" probably refers to Jack Ketch or the hangman. See British Museum catalogue., Four lines of verse below title: Tho' he says he's a Protestant, look at the print, the face and the bludgeon will give you a hint, religion he cries, in hopes to deceive, while his practice is only to burn and to thieve., and Watermark: SEC[?] 1828.
- Publisher:
- Publish'd as the Act directs, June 9th, 1780, by I. Catch of St. Giles's
- Subject (Geographic):
- England and London
- Subject (Name):
- Newgate (Prison : London, England)
- Subject (Topic):
- Gordon Riots, 1780, Vandalism, and Clothing & dress
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > No popery, or, Newgate reformer [graphic].
8. That & this side of the water, or, Dutch & English politicks [graphic].
- Published / Created:
- [29 September 1780]
- Call Number:
- 780.09.29.01+
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- Two groups of men, an English group on the left (including George III, North, and Shelburne) and a Dutch group (including a sailor and clergyman) stand on the seashore, with the lone figure of Lord George Gordon on the right and allegorical figures overhead. The figures are numbered but there is no accompanying explanation. A naval battle between French and British ships occupies the distance. Concerns English policies towards Dutch shipping and Dutch reaction to the Gordon Riots
- Alternative Title:
- That and this side of the water, Dutch & English politicks, and Dutch and English politicks
- Description:
- Title from item., Place of publication from address of the supposed publisher, William Richardson of High Holborn. See Maxted, London book trades., and An English copy of: Engelsch nieuws. See British Museum catalogue, no. 5722.
- Publisher:
- Publish'd as the Act directs Septr. 29th, 1780 by Wm. Richardson
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain, Netherlands., Netherlands, and Great Britain.
- Subject (Topic):
- Foreign relations, Gordon Riots, 1780, Commerce, and Clothing & dress
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > That & this side of the water, or, Dutch & English politicks [graphic].
9. The mob destroying & setting fire to the Kings Bench Prison & House of Correction in St. Georges Fields [graphic].
- Published / Created:
- [1 August 1780]
- Call Number:
- 780.08.01.04
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 54. London and its environs about 1750.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "The mob active in the foreground throwing stones, beating sticks and setting fire to the surrounding buildings of the prison; men run to the left holding a flag with "No Popery"; a woman in ragged clothes in central foreground holding up large rocks, a child at her side."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title etched below image., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; sheet 19.8 x 37.3 cm., and Imperfect; trimmed within plate mark with loss of imprint from bottom edge.
- Publisher:
- Publish'd the 1st of Augst. 1780, by Fielding & Walker, Pater Noster Row
- Subject (Geographic):
- England and London.
- Subject (Name):
- King's Bench Prison (London, England),
- Subject (Topic):
- Gordon Riots, 1780, Prisons, Fires, Vandalism, Riots, Arson, Crowds, and Flags
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > The mob destroying & setting fire to the Kings Bench Prison & House of Correction in St. Georges Fields [graphic].