"Cathéchistes Missionnaires de Marie Immaculée. - Bangalore [Bengaluru] (Hindoustan [Hindustan]). - La petite Bergère. A young girl, presumably a shepherdess, is pictured with a missionary and her sheep. The postcard also notes the publisher as, "Regnault, Photo - Orléans."
"Soeurs de la Charité de Jésus et de Marie, Gand. 46 - India, Amritsar. Une petite chrétienne." A young girl looks down towards the ground in this image of her from the chest up. The label indicates that she is a Christian. She is wearing a hijab. This postcard was printed in Brussels.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Chinese girl -- Joy A young girl is standing beside a table with poster of Jesus on the wall behind her. A small sign, apparently written with chalk on a slate, is on the floor in front of the table. It reads "Luk-di (Joy)."
"Que me voulez-vous? Mission Indienne des P.P. Jesuites." A young girl stares at the camera while holding a plant of some kind in one hand. The plant is out of focus. Additional information directs donations to Louvain, Belgium. There is a handwritten note on the back of this postcard.
9. Quelques demoiselles - Kisantu - Eenige jufvrouwen. A group of young girls are shown standing before a small statuette of the Virgin Mary holding her child. The back of the postcard has printed on it "Mission des Jesuite: Kwango Missie van de Jesuiten." and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Several rows of young girls stand with arms outstretched in calisthenic exercises. Behind them trees can be seen., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it, Printed at the bottom of the correspondence section is "Pensionnat du Sacre-Coeur pour jeunes filles indigenes" "Mbansa Mboma (Congo)" "Gymnastique"
28 - Afrique Orientale - Jeunes Filles en Toilette A large number of young girls are assembled. They wear skirts and numerous necklaces and bracelets., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard has some very faint penciled handwriting. Printed at the edge of the correspondence section is "Aidez les Missions des Peres du St.-Esprit. C. C. 1059-56 Abonnez-vous a leurs "Annales" - 10 fr. C. C. 611-49 30, Rue Lhomond, Paris (Vc arr.)" Louys Bauer, Imp. Dijon" "Edition "Spiritus""
"Babies at Dinner, Deaf and Dumb School, Palamcottah [Pālayankottai]." Young girls are eating their dinner on the floor. One girl stands up behind them. Additional information reads, "Church of England Zenana Missionary Society, 27, Chancery Lane, London, W.C."
29. - Brodeuses Travaillant Une Chape. ("29. - Embroiderers Working on a Cope.") Two indigenous girls wearing white headbands and cross necklaces embroider a large piece of fabric., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard is blank and contains a printed title: "HAUTE-VOLTA - 29. - Brodeuses travaillant une chape - Upper-Volta - Young girls embroidering a cope." The back also contains information about the publisher: "Missions des Peres Blancs - Missions of the White Fathers - Librairie Missionnaire - 26, rue Vavin - Paris VIe - Peres Blancs, Notre-Dame du Bon Conseil, Bonnelles (S.-&-O.)"