A number of young girls are shown standing outdoors before a thatch-roofed building, each wearing a dress and an amulet. The back of the postcard has a few lines of handwriting on it, and printed on it is "10. Les filleules de marraines belges au jour de leur bapteme. Mission des Soerus de l'Union au S. C. Gingungi a/Lukula, Kwango. Maison-mere a Hougaerde, pres Tirlemont." and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
17. - Madagascar - Premieres Communiantes devent une Grotte de Notre-Dame de Lourdes." Five young girls are shown standing outdoors, their hands clasped in prayer. A crumbling stone wall is visible behind them., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is "L'Oevre des Pretres Malgaches" "79, Avenue de Breteuil, Paris XVc" "Ch. post. 567 39 Paris"
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Four young girls in white dresses and headcoverings are posed standing outdoors., and The back of the postcard is blank and contains information about the mission agency: "Stanley-Falls. Missie der Priesters van het H. Hart- Mission des Pretres du Sacre-Coeur" There is also information about the printer: "Ern. Thill, Bruxelles"
78. Petites chretiennes. ("78. Young Christian women.") Twenty-five young indigenous girls wearing white dresses pose in front of a stone building. In the background a missionary father is standing in the building. Postcard issued by "Mission d'Ouagadougou (Hte-Volta).", Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard is blank and printed with the following: "Collection de la Mission d'Ouagadougou."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Ecole de THURSDAY-ISLAND - Nouvelle Guinee. ("School of THURSDAY-ISLAND - New Guinea.") Two missionary sisters pose with seventeen young girls, most of whom wear identical dresses., and The back of the postcard is blank.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Lessouto - Fillettes jouant aux osselets. ("Lessouto - Young girls playing jacks.") Three girls sit in a circle on the ground and play a game with small stones., and The back of the postcard is blank and contains printed information about the publisher: "Edit. des Missions Evangeliques - 102, b. Arago, Paris."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Fifteen girls sit on the ground in a courtyard with open books on their laps while a woman stands next to them with an open book in her hands instructing them., and The back of the postcard is blank and contains a printed title: "No 3 - Classe en plein air - Cote d'Ivoire." ("Class in the open air - Ivory Coast.") The back also contains information about the mission agency: "Soeurs Missionnaires de N.D. des Apotres - VENISSIEUX (Rhone) - (cliche Normand, Abidjan)."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Congo Belge Belgische Kongo "Serie Reeks 7 No 7 Desaix, Bruxelles" "Ecole de filles. Meissjeschool." A group of young girls are seated inside a classroom. A map hangs on the wall above a series of drawings., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., The back of the card has a few lines of penciled handwriting., and Walsenkinder der katholischen Mission der Pallottiner zu Jaunde (Kamerun). A dozen young girls wearing dresses of patterned cloth stand before a wooden building.