Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Haut-Uele - Jeune Femme Mangbetou A young woman is shown in three-quarters profile from the shoulders up. Her hair is done in a carefully-shaped coiffure., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is "Imprimeries Reunies de Nancy".
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Madagascar - Porteuses d'Eau Several young women are shown carrying large clay water jars on their heads., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is ""Ste des Missions Evangeliques, 102, Bld. Arago (Paris)"
"Merode-Slavator. Groep trouwers. Groupe de noveaux maries." A small crowd of young women assembles outdoors, each in a patterned dress and broad-brimmed hat. Printed on the back is "Zusters van den H. Jozef Zilverstraat, Brugge. Missien in Kasai, Congo." "Soeurs de St. Joseph, rue d'Argent, Bruges, Missions au Kasai, Congo." and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
56. Afrique (Madagascar) - Dentellieres chez les Filles de la Charite de St. Vincent de Paul a Fort Dauphin ("Lacemakers among the Girls of the Charity of St Vincent of Paul at Fort Dolphin "). A group of nineteen adolescent girls sit outside on wooden benches and make lace. A missionary sister sits with them in a chair and also works on a piece of lace. In the background stands a statue of the Virgin Mary., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard is blank and contains information about the publisher: "L'Oeuvre de la Propagation de la Foi soutient les Missions catholiques du monde entier. Envoyez votre offrande par Cheques Postaux: Paris, 618 25, Lyon, 72.71 ("The work of the Propagation of the Faith supports the catholic Missions of the whole world. Send your offering by Postal cheques") PROPAGATION DE LA FOI. Paris - 5, rue Monsieur, (VIIe). Lyon, 12 Rue Sala ".
"Les Ursulines de l'Institut de Thildonck dans la Mission du Bengale, Indes. Dentellières de Khunti." Many young women are making lace on the porch of and in front of a large building. Some children are sitting among the workers.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Les petites alouettes de la brousse sont tres vite acclimatees a l'atmosphere de la voliere car l'apprivoisement, c'est Jesus le grand charmeur des ames qui s'en charge.. Tout en executant de vraies merveilles, les petites dentelleres chantent les louanges du Seigneur et s'arment pour les luttes de la vie! An inset cartouche shows a number of young women wearing white dresses, all working at needlepoint within a large, white-walled room., and The back of the postcard is closely covered with handwriting.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Missions du Sud-Afrique - Serie VI - Une ecole de couture au Basutoland. A large group of young women sit and sew in a courtyard. A white-painted building is visible behind them, and a pair of Catholic missionary sisters oversees the work., and The back of the postcard has a few lines of handwriting and is stamped and postmarked. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is "Missionnaires Oblats de Marie Immaculee" "Oeuvre des Missions O. M. I. - 75 Rue de l'Assumption - Paris (XVIc), Abonnez-vous aux Petites Annales des Missionnaires Oblats de Marie-Immaculee, Revue Mensuelle 10 fr. C. C. 99-99, Paris."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Bas Congo - Serie III - Dans les revieres du Mayumbe Petites Filles Mayumbes du Luali. Several Catholic missionary sisters stand alongside four rows of young women seated and standing in an assembly outside of a large wooden building. The building rests on brick piles., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it.
"Missions des Peres Oblats en Amerique du Nord." "Ecole Menagere Indinne." A number of young women are shown stitching clothing indoors, with an elderly woman operating a sewing machine at the back of the room. On the back of the postcard is printed "Edit. des Oblats de Marie, 71, Rue St-Guidon, Bruxelles." and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.