Box 43 | Navajo People, Riders, Sheep Herders, Sand Painters, Working People, Etc.
Image Count:
The description of this slide reflects the way that Erdoes organized 35mm slides. Erdoes arranged his slides in labeled containers that were sub-divided into labeled sections. The title for this image has been transcribed from its sub-section label; images of other slides from the same sub-section share the container title. The date listed here reflects a span of known dates associated the sub-section. In some cases, titles have been expanded to note particular individuals who appear frequently and who were identified by Erdoes in captions. Individual slide captions have not been transcribed or captured during digitization.
Subject (Topic):
Indians of North America --Pictorial works, Navajo boys, Navajo children --Pictorial works, and Navajo Indians
"13. - Indes. - Ganapali, le Dieu ventru à tête d'éléphant - Missions des PP. Jésuites au Maduré." Three boys and a man sit around a statue of a god with a large belly and an elephant head. Additional information on the back directs donations to Paris and Lyon, France.
"La formation des futurs Sauveurs de l'Inde. - Le Petit Séminaire de Mgr Rossillon (Diocèse de Vizagapatam [Vishakhapatnam])." Boys and young men gather around an elderly missionary with a long beard. They are students and he is their teacher.
A group of boys is standing in front of the Ah Do Orphanage. Their teacher is in the doorway., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and This photo is from the papers of Emily Susan Hartwell, who was an American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions missionary stationed in Foochow, Fukien, from 1884.