China Records Project Miscellaneous Personal Papers Collection
Container / Volume:
Box 265 | Folder 3
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Crisso standing beside a village temple enshrining the local protecting deities, Yangchow., and Ernest Forster, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary.
Row 1: Daniel Kit Mun Chang, Elliot Stephen Azoff, Norman Kurt Andrew Barnes, James Robert Latimer, III, and David Maris Doret. Row 2: Mark Alan Willis, Michael Charles Jeck, Robert Henderson Murray, Ronald George Rosenbaum, and Friedman.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Fukien Technical School, 1911, Foochau A teacher is writing mathematical formulas and notes on a blackboard as the class looks on.
A class picture of the students and teachers at Ma Chio Primary School. The students and their teachers are all Chinese. The boys are seated in the front row, while the girls stand behind them. The name "John" is written on the face of this photograph. There is Chinese writing along the right hand side of the photo., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and This photo is from the papers of the Edward Huntington Smith family. The Smiths were a family of missionaries serving under the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in China, 1901-1950, primarily in Ing Tai and Foochow [Fuzhou].
“Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie-Immaculée. ̶ Bangalore (Hindoustan) ̶ En groupe d’Enfants de l’Ecole.” A group of young schoolgirls is shown leaving the mission school while a missionary sister teacher looks on. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
"Missies en Werken der Franciscanessen Missionarissen van Maria. De kas te Stanleystad (Belgisch Congo.)” Students of varying ages are shown at their desks in a mission classroom. A missionary teacher sister conducts the lesson. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard:
“De Franciscanessen Missionarissen van Maria hebben tegenwordig in de missielanden 152 huizen met 129 scholen en 430 werken voor de kindsheid groepeerend 49,239 kinderen. Bovendien hebben ze voor de zieken 45 hospitalen met 81,476 daar verblijvende zieken in het jaar, 8 melaatschenhuitzen, met 1,627 melaatschen, 7 lazaretten met 2,178 besmettelijke zieken en 107 armenapotheken waar 2,529,121 verplegiingen werden gegeven gedurende het jaar 1928. Ze hebben ook 25 gasthuizen en toevluchtsoorden met 1,516 ouderlingen en vrouwen, 33 catechumenaten met 845 catechumenen, 83 bezoekmiddens met 85,830 zieken, 19,993 armen, 744 gevangenen jaarlijks bezocht. In den loop van het jaar 1928 hebben ze 32,834 doopsels toegediend ‘in articulo mortis’. Franciscanesssen Missionarissen van Maria Tervuerenlaan, 268, Woluwe-Brussel.” There is no handwriting on the back.