Electronic reproduction. New Haven : Yale University, 2011.
Defus Y. Hailperin and דפוס י' היילפרין
Subject (Name):
Ben-Yishai, A. Z. (Aharon Zeʼev), 1902-1977. and בן ישי, אהרן זאב.
Subject (Topic):
Hebrew wit and humor, Hebrew wit and humor--Newspapers., Jewish wit and humor, Jewish wit and humor--Newspapers., Satire, Hebrew, and Satire, Hebrew--Palestine--Newspapers.
Archives of the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia
Container / Volume:
Box 414 | Folder 5873
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Medical School D.V.B.S., summer of 1924 A large group of children and adults posted for a photo near a bridge and alongside the water. Some of the children in the photo are holding up various signs in Chinese.
China Records Project Miscellaneous Personal Papers Collection
Container / Volume:
Box 265 | Folder 3
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Daily Vacation Bible School held at Holy Trinity Chapel, Yangchow. Summer of 1936., and Ernest Forster, the photographer, was an American Episcopal missionary.
"Col. Leray – Cliché Augouard. 13. ̶ Congo Français. – Brazzaville. Au bain quotidien – Les Enfants dl’École. Boys from the mission school are shown bathing in a jungle stream. A missionary father and adult male stand nearby on shore. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
Alfred Jacob Miller (1810-1874), born in Baltimore, accompanied William Drummond Stewart on an 1837 expedition to the Green River Valley, Wind River Mountains, and the eastern section of Oregon Territory. He was commissioned by Stewart to sketch the Indians and scenery and later enlarge them into oil paintings.
Subject (Name):
Miller, Alfred Jacob, 1810-1874 and Stewart, William Drummond, Sir, 1795 or 6-1871
Subject (Topic):
Cradleboards, Dakota Indians, and Mother and infant
Electronic reproduction. New Haven : Yale University, 2011. and Issued as special Purim supplement to ha-Boker.
[ha-Boḳer] and [הבקר]
Subject (Topic):
Hebrew wit and humor, Hebrew wit and humor--Newspapers., Jewish wit and humor, Jewish wit and humor--Newspapers., Purim parodies, Satire, Hebrew, and Satire, Hebrew--Palestine--Newspapers.
Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh collection of photographs and drawings of the Colorado River region.
Container / Volume:
Box 1 | Folder 28
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh, a member of John Wesley Powells second expedition down the Colorado River (1871-1873); author of the Romance of the Colorado River and A Canyon Voyage, and numerous other books.
Manuscript caption. and Some of photographic contact sheets and prints from original negatives not included in Beinecke Library Digital Images Online.