Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital,, Hospital Number, 20,893., R. B. BONTECOU,, Samuel C. Pew, Corp. Co. F. 57th, Pa. Cav., age 29, was admitted to Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital, April 19th, 1865, with gunshot wound of the abdomen. The ball entered over the left hypochondriac region, passed transversely toward the spine, and emerged about 6 inches from point of entrance. There have been no symptoms indicating injury of internal organs. The ball was of the conoidal variety. The wound was received at Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6th 1865. The patient did well and was transferred to Philadelphia, Pa., May 18th, 1865., Samuel C. Pew., and Surgeon U.S. Vols., In Charge.
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, Harewood General Hospital, Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907, and Samuel C. Pew, Hospital Number 20, 893
Subject (Topic):
Abdomen—Wounds and injuries, Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs
Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital,, R. B. BONTECOU,, Samuel S. S. Daggart, Serg't, Co. G, 5th Wis. Vols., aged 26, was admitted to Harewood U.S.A. Gen'l Hospital April 12th, 1865, with gunshot wound left shoulder, the ball entering in front, below clavicle, passing backwards and downward, making its exit from posterior of arm, upper third, (internal to humerus.) Wounded April 2, at battle of Petersburg, Va. Progressed favorably. Transferred May 21st, 1865. Doing well., Samuel S. S. Daggart., and Surgeon U.S. Vols., In charge.
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, Harewood General Hospital, Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907, and Samuel S.S. Daggart
Subject (Topic):
Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, Shoulder—Wounds and injuries, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs
Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
[Signed.], ”Serg't, Samuel C. Wright's first enlistment was at Plymouth, Mass., May 18th, 1861. Mustered into the U. S. service May 22nd, 1861, at Fortress Monroe, Va. He was in the following engagements during his first enlistment:—Hampton Roads, Va, March 8th and 9th, 1862. Gaines' Mills, Va., June 27th, 1862. Peach Orchard, Va., June 29th, 1862. Savage Station, Va., June 29th, 1862. White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30th, 1862. Received slight wound in the head at Glendall, Va., June 30th, 1862. Malvern Hill, Va., July 1st, 1862. Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862. Fredericksburg, Va., from Dec. 10th to 15th, 1862. Vicksburg, Miss., July, 1863. Jackson, Miss., July 11th to 17th, 1863, inclusive., 1st Lieut. 29TH Mass. Vet. Vols., Comd'g the Company., NATHANIEL BURGESS,, Re-enlisted Jan. 1st, 1864, at Blair's Cross Roads, Tenn., and has been in the following engagements since that time:—Bethesda Church, Va., June 1st, 1864. Shady Grove, Va., June 2nd, 1864. Cold Harbor, Va. June 3rd, 1864. Front of Petersburg, Va., June 17th, 1864. Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant Nov. 1st, 1864, for gallantry in action July 30th, 1864., Serg't. Samuel C. Wright, Co. E, 29th Mass. Vols., aged 21, was admitted to Harewood U.S.A., Gen'l Hospital, August 1st, 1864, with gunshot wound, received June 17th, 1864, at battle of Petersburg, Va. The ball, a Minnie, struck the right orbit, fracturing the bone. The case progressed favorably, the patient making a good recovery. Discharged Feb. 13th, 1865., Serg't. Samuel C. Wright., and The following sketch was furnished by the commanding officer of the company to which he belonged:—
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, Harewood General Hospital, Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907, and Serg't Samuel C. Wright
Subject (Topic):
Head—Wounds and injuries, Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs
Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital., Hospital Number 20,295, R. B. BONTECOU,, Stephen D. Myers, Sergeant Company E. 15th N.Y. Cav., was admitted to Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital April 5th 1865, from City Point Va., having a gunshot wound of the scalp, with fracture of the outer table of the calvarium. The precise locality of the injury is in the course and to the right of the sagital suture, between the two parietal bones, one and one half inches from the posterior fontanelle. The patient complained of constant headache, dizziness and a tendency to drowsiness. He was put on Low Diet, the use of all stimulants interdicted, quietness and the recumbent posture recommended. Under this treatment the patient gradually rallied from his lethargic condition, the suppuration diminished the flesh is granulating, and the prospect of speedy recovery is very fair. May 29th, 1865., Stephen D. Myers., and Surgeon U.S. Vols., In charge.
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, Harewood General Hospital, Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907, and Stephen D. Myers, Hospital Number 20, 295
Subject (Topic):
Head—Wounds and injuries, Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs
Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Private T. Schrup, Co. B, 10th N.Y. Calvary, age 22, wounded in the left leg, April 2, 1865. From Med/Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Volume III, Surgical Volume, p. 434. Drawing of Private T. Schrup.
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, Harewood General Hospital, Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907, and T. Schrup
Subject (Topic):
Leg—Wounds and injuries, Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs
Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Thomas Miller, private, Co. G, 116th Pa. Vols, aged 18, admitted to Harewood U.S. Gen'l Hospital, August 15, 1864, convalescent from gunshot wound, left thigh, ball entering and fracturing femur at junction of middle and upper of thigh, past through exit inner side, near the tuberosity of ischium. Wounded, May 5, 1864, at the battle of Wilderness, Va. On admission to this hospital, the patient had so far recovered as to be able to be about on crutches. The patient, however, states, that at time of injury his constitutional state was very good, although wound very painful. Severe hemorrhage followed the injury [and] great tumefaction of the whole limb. The treatment consisted of placing the limb in a fracture-box counter extension, and supporting throughout. Limb shortened about [?] inches and three-fourths; patient otherwise in good condition and in a fair way of having a useful limb. and THOMAS MILLER.
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, Harewood General Hospital, Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907, and Thomas Miller
Subject (Topic):
Leg—Wounds and injuries, Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs
Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Thomas Smith, 1st sergt., Co. K, 1st Mich. S.S., admitted to Harewood U.S.A. Gen'l Hospital, August 15, 1865, suffering from a severe and destructive inflammation, with loss of vision of both eyes, contracted on field; cause unknown. Constitutional state of patient otherwise good. This soldier has a congenital deformity of right forearm, and in this condition served faithfully for four years in the ranks, carrying his musket, and regularly performing his duties. Transferred. and THOMAS SMITH.
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, Harewood General Hospital, Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907, and Thomas Smith
Subject (Topic):
Arm—Wounds and injuries, Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs
Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital,, Hospital Number 20.611., R. B. BONTECOU,, Surgeon U.S. Vols:, In Charge., Thomas W. Hollen, private Co. H. 205 Pa. Vols., age 28, admitted April 5th 1865, to Harewood U.S.A. General Hospital from City Point, Va., with gun shot wound through right wrist joint, also upper third right arm, flesh. Wounded at Petersburg, April 2, 1865. When admitted wrist and hand were very much swollen and inflamed, but by the application of cold to the parts all inflammation had ceased. April 20th, the wrist and hand became again swollen and very much inflamed, and all remedies failed to subdue it, sinuses having formed on the dorsal surface of hand and wrist. The sinuses were relieved of pus, and fore arm enveloped in bran; sinuses continued to form, having involved the cellular tissue of elbow joint. April 28th, by bandaging from shoulder to elbow joint, the inflammation was subdued. Very little discharge from wound at present time (May 1st.) Gangrene attacked the hand, but soon disappeared., and Thomas W. Hollen.
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, Harewood General Hospital, Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907, and Thomas W. Hollen, Hospital Number 20, 611
Subject (Topic):
Arm—Wounds and injuries, Gangrene, Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs, and Wrist—wounds and injuries
Harewood General Hospital Photographer unidentified
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Binder's Title: Gunshot Wounds Illustrated
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Timothy F. Pridgen, sergeant, Co. K, 18th N.C. Vols., aged 22, admitted to Harewood U.S.A. Gen'l Hospital, September 13th 1865, suffering from gunshot fracture of upper third of left femur. Wounded at the battle of Deep Bottom, Va., July 28, 1864. On admission to this Hospital, the patient had so far recovered as to be able to sit up and move about—the bone having united firmly; wound still open and discharging in consequence of necrosed bone; his prospects for a useful limb are good. and TIMOTHY F. PRIDGEN.
Subject (Geographic):
Washington, D.C
Subject (Name):
Bontecou, Reed Brockway, 1824-1907, Harewood General Hospital, Reed B. (Brockway) Bontecou 1824-1907, and Timothy F. Pridgen
Subject (Topic):
Leg—Wounds and injuries, Medical photography—patients, Medical photography—United States—19th century, and United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865—Medical and sanitary affairs